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Can the Libertarian Party Become a Popular Vanguard?

14-4-2021 < Counter Currents 15 3666 words

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Could it be time for an alternative to the two-party system? For anyone who hasn’t yet got the memo, it’s time to stop holding out hope for the Republican Party. As conservatives, they couldn’t even conserve the women’s bathroom. Worse, they’ve failed to do anything about population replacement migration; even though they should know very well it will mean their end as a viable electoral force. (They haven’t given much thought about what it’ll do to the public.) The Stupid Party had half a century to fix the immigration problem, but somehow was more terrified about getting called names by the Evil Party.

Sure, they’ve done plenty of dogwhistling to get the rubes on board, but they never deliver the goods. I don’t know about anyone else here, but I’m sick of their constant cucking. Even Jonah Goldberg, an unusually enlightened neocon, has had some things to say about do-nothing Republican politicians and their grassroots forced to choose between the lesser of two evils. The question, then, is what we’re going to do about it.

Who stands for real Americans?

comment by 12AX7 concerning the 1980 campaign debate between Reagan and Bush the Elder pretty much says it all. Here’s an excerpt:

[ind]A young man had asked a question to both candidates about the presence of so many illegals, implying they should be deported and perhaps, a fence built along the 2,200-mile border with Mexico.

Both candidates talked about the need to legalize the Mexicans, mostly for the benefit of scumbag businessmen who were hiring them for poverty wages. Both RR and GWB I claimed they would be the one to “get it done” and therefore, they should be the one nominated to run against President Jimmy Carter. Whether this was typical politicians’ deception in answering a question not asked instead of the awkward question that was asked is impossible to tell. Both horrible candidates were incapable of understanding the desire in 1980 to resolve the Mexican problem through deportations and really only cared about the interests of businessmen for ever lower wages. It was obvious in later years the Bush family, having miscegenated with Mexicans had their sympathies with them instead of their own people.[/ind]

The GOP has been like that ever since. Even Trump failed to stop birthright citizenship (the anchor baby racket) when he had a chance. Moreover, although he was against illegal immigration, there was little effort to curtail legal immigration. We don’t want to be replaced by illegals, but we also don’t want to be replaced by Third World immigrants let in legally.

So this leaves the USA in a very odd situation. The majority and founding people don’t have an electoral party that will represent us, or even stop the deluge. What are we going to do about it? Staging a Long March Through the Institutions would be one possibility. Still, attempting to climb the ranks ourselves within the GOP to try to un-cuck it would be a long and uncertain project. Furthermore, Corneliu Codreanu had a warning about trying to dive into the swamp to clean it up from within:

[ind]The theory urging us to all join political parties in order to improve them — if we pretend they are bad — is false and perfidious. As it has been from the beginning of the world, day and night uninterruptedly, it is only sweet water that has flowed into the Black Sea from thousands of rivers, this never resulting in sweetening the sea’s salty water but rather the opposite: likewise with us, entering the cesspool of political parties, not only will we not better them, they will corrupt us.

If we can’t have an electoral party, at least for the foreseeable future, then perhaps we can have a vanguard party. The pinkos got much use out of those back in the day, and so can we. Consider that Communism is an explicitly revolutionary ideology, and winning elections isn’t their preferred path to power. Even so, their vanguard parties are such important institutions for them that it’s difficult to imagine Communism without a Communist Party. If they never had an organized structure, they probably wouldn’t have gone beyond some coffee shop radicalinskis debating boring economic theories. They also had an impressive knack for creating front groups, assembling umbrella groups, and coopting existing groups by elbowing their way to the top.

A vanguard party could be a central rallying point that we don’t yet have. Wouldn’t it be nice to have some institutions that represent real Americans? Really, I’d like to see several; “let a hundred flowers bloom,” but this time for real. Competition might also hold the feet of the mainstream politicians to the fire. Still, we’ll have to beware of the Margaret Thatcher maneuver, in which she made the usual false promises about immigration in order to head off competition by the British National Party. More of the same will be more opportunity for us to say “We told you so!” At the very best, a vanguard party can become an electoral party.

How to get a vanguard party

One way to develop a party independent of the Republicrats is to start one from scratch. There have been Dissident Rightist efforts to do so in the USA since the 1950s, but this didn’t get far. (The media blackout in the old days was a major factor, of course, but other problems were petty disputes, high fed-to-member ratios, lack of funding, and so forth.) By the time I was observing the scene, things hadn’t improved much. Several European countries have developed electoral parties which are gaining a lot more traction than I expected. We could do the same and get it right this time, but the problem is that time is not on our side.

Another option exists, which is entryism. This would mean taking over another party, though this also applies to institutions other than parties. That seems pretty sneaky, of course, but it’s a fairly common tactic. This should be on the table for consideration, sneaky or otherwise. We’re into fifth-generation warfare now and in a struggle for survival, so the gloves are off.

Simply put, entryism works. One notable example was when the Frankfurt School and the Franz Boas acolytes began the push to radicalize academia with critical theory and race denialism. (By now, the results surely went beyond the wildest dreams of the original culture-distorters.) Since the 1970s, neoconservatives staged a successful entryist strategy within the Republican Party, turning it into the disappointing mess it is now. As soon as these former (or not so former) liberals were let into the club, they pulled a William F. Buckley and started telling everyone else what it is to be a conservative. Sweet!

It would be tempting to stage a Long March Through the Institutions in the Democratic Party. We could talk peace and progress, and actually mean it. (Wouldn’t it be great to end America’s century of perpetual war, and give the sickos in the exploiter class a haircut too?) We also could pretend to be “woke,” but never deliver results to the liberals and minorities, just like Republican politicians pretend to support cultural conservatism and immigration limitation to get the rubes on board. As fun as that sounds, it would be a labor of Sisyphus. We’d be in an uphill battle against the swamp critters, just as Captain Codreanu pointed out above.

Since reforming the Republicrats is out of reach, the various “third parties” remain as options. None have been a viable electoral party thus far. Still, it would be suitable to make one of them a vanguard party. One advantage is that they are grassroots efforts and don’t depend on corporate megabucks with Deep State strings attached. They have an existing infrastructure. Although their membership is limited, it’s better than starting from zero. Another advantage is that entryists won’t be fish in a huge swamp, but rather in a smaller and purer lake.

The most prominent alternative is the Libertarian Party. Although ideologically opposite of us in certain ways, the situation isn’t as bad as it appears. There will be some of us who really don’t care for them. I know; they have too many fedoras and neckbeards at the moment, but try to work with me here. Note well, this shouldn’t be construed as a complete strategy to free our land and restore the universe to balance. Rather, it’s one possible way forward.

For those who consider Libertarians too far afield, there are other alternatives too. Why put all our eggs in one basket? The Reform Party is worth a look. Better yet is the Constitution Party, which certainly has some fine folks. For those who would rather begin with one that already is pretty much on our wavelength, there’s the small but promising American Freedom Party, previously called the American Third Position Party.

The Libertarian Party in brief

Remedial education might take a lot of work.


The USA’s foremost “third party” reveres the Founding Fathers and wants smaller government, Constitutional rule, and less authoritarian overreach. Their ideological current is classical liberalism, which despite certain flaws is a heck of a lot better than modern liberalism. The USA did have a pretty good run of it under classical liberalism, until things broke down in the modern era leading to a century of oligarchical crooks calling the shots.

The problem is that despite lots of theorizing on their part, Libertarians are ideological lightweights. As it is, their political philosophy is pretty thin gruel. Some of them are a bit quirky; in other words, the fedora and neckbeard crowd. Some advocate some awfully silly ideas. Generally, these are notions that sound great in theory, but they didn’t think them through too well.

For starters, some Libertarians want to privatize the postal system. What would happen? Then the corporate postal monopoly could refuse to deliver mail if they don’t like someone’s politics. Others want to privatize roads. This would mean toll scanners on every major street, if not fleecing drivers at every intersection, with prices that can go up faster than you can say “Master-Blaster runs Bartertown!” Thanks, but I’ll keep my fifty-cent stamps (or whatever the hell they are this week) and my annual vehicle road tax. We’ll have to steer them off of this half-baked stuff and shift the focus to more important things.

The Libertarians may consider themselves Red Pilled, but their journey to enlightenment has just begun. Most of them are like kids playing in a sandbox. Even so, many Dissident Rightists once were Libertarians who got wiser. A target audience that is Purple Pilled (even if just a pale shade of lavender in some cases) should be more educable than completely unenlightened television addicts.

Already they understand that the two-party system is unsuitable. They don’t like police-state measures, such as all the blatantly unconstitutional domestic spying set up during the “War On Terror” which somehow — surprise, surprise — got used to surveil the public. They don’t like endless neocon spit-in-your-eye wars either. They certainly don’t care for the political side of globalism, such as unelected international NGOs with vast powers, or the idea of having the UN for a one-world government. So they’re at least part of the way there already. We can help them along on their journey to enlightenment.

Some necessary remedial education

Courtesy of StoneToss

One major problem is many Libertarians’ conception of race, which of course is not so different from liberal and cuckservative notions. Although they don’t like government social engineering projects such as Affirmative Action, many support open borders, believe that everyone is the same (which means that populations are interchangeable), and buy into the “magic dirt” argument. Some others probably know that’s baloney, but strategically dodge the topic, preferring to avoid the kind of criticism we get.

Still, some of them are more enlightened. Even Stefan Molyneux, one of the best advocates of an ideology similar to theirs, had an epiphany when he visited Poland and saw what a white country looks like. (This, of course, was what most American communities looked like prior to the 1960s.) Much to his credit, he understands the politically incorrect truths about race and openly discusses them.

One way to message this is that the Founding Fathers created the USA for “ourselves and our posterity,” stated explicitly in the preamble of the US Constitution. None of them would’ve approved of the open borders policies created by the 1965 Immigration Act. They would’ve considered it treason; which, of course, it was. It would’ve been unthinkable to allow policies that ultimately would make their descendants a minority in their own country. The first immigration provision permitted “free white persons” of good character, and this stood for a long time. Every country has the right to control its borders and to maintain its living spaces for the folk who founded it.

For that matter, the Founding Fathers were pretty fashy by today’s standards. Ezra Pound pointed that out in Jefferson and/or Mussolini, and I will too in an upcoming book. Anyone wishing to return to the standards of the Founders should approve. Even the Mussolini administration was a lot less authoritarian than today’s régime composed of Deep State types, Big Tech, Woke Capital, the Lügenpresse, politicized academia, Leftist foundations, and zombie hordes of Social Justice Warriors.

The correct balance of individualism

Other than that, Libertarians put a lot of emphasis on individualism. There’s a place for that, of course, such as self-reliance. Positive individualism also includes refusal to conform to destructive narratives and agendas. (Of course, the corollary is that it’s right to conform to things that are objectively healthy, normal, and beneficial.) In any event, individualism is all well and good, but it’s a mistake to take it to the point of excess or lose sight of other vital considerations. Again, back to Jonah Goldberg :

[ind]Look, the libertarian critique of the state is useful, valuable, important, and much needed. But, in my humble opinion, the libertarian critique of the culture — “established authority” — tends to be exactly what I’ve always said it was: a celebration of personal liberty over everything else, and in many (but certainly not all) respects indistinguishable from the more asinine prattle we hear from the Left. . . .

Without character-forming institutions which softly coerce (persuade) kids — and remind adults — to revere our open, free, and tolerant culture over others, we run the risk of having them embrace any old creed or ideology that they find most rewarding or exciting, including some value systems which take it on blind faith that America is evil and, say, Cuba or Osama bin Laden is wonderful. That’s precisely why campuses today are infested with so many silly radicals, and why libertarians in their own way encourage the dismantling of the soapboxes they stand on.[/ind]

For my final word about individualism, I’ll go with Aristotle’s general observation that virtue is the middle course between deficiency and excess. It should be remembered that there’s a proper balance between the domain of the individual and the domain of society. In fact, this is one definition of justice. Mussolini had some fairly similar things to say.

Then I would say the following to any radical individualists reluctant to stand up for their own people. We’re in a time of crisis, and action is necessary to avoid disaster. Maybe you aren’t interested in identity politics, but identity politics certainly takes interest in you; ignore this at your peril. Three months of rioting and burning in 2020 should’ve been sufficient warning to you. We need all hands on deck working together. Therefore, it does no good to stick your head in the sand and wait for someone else to fix things. Personal courage in the face of adversity is a necessity. This is especially so if your future is on the line. Whenever you contemplate the difficult struggle ahead and ask yourself what’s in it for you, the answer is that it’s a lot more than you think.

The Dismal Science

Libertarians often are economites, seeing monetary value as the ultimate (and perhaps only) measure of worth, so they’ll need some remedial education here too. The greatest problem is that they have a naïve faith in laissez-faîre capitalism. There was something to be said for the Adam Smith model, but under modern conditions, it has degenerated. They need to understand, for one thing, that monopolies are a game-breaker for capitalism; the “invisible hand” effect stops working. This has other effects on society, none of them good, and all they have to do is look into what “woke capital” is doing. My unkindly-titled article “How to Make a Libertarian Cry” illustrates several reasons why maximum economic freedom (as they tend to see it) actually leads to less freedom.

Moreover, although Libertarians reject the political side of globalism, many will swallow the economic side of it hook, line, and sinker. They buy into the neoliberal arguments for free trade, which means our workers competing with Third World sweatshops. I’ve had plenty to say about that too. Free trade might make Paul Krugman’s nipples get hard, but it’s no good for public prosperity. Moreover, the federal budget used to be funded primarily on tariffs, which carried on for a long time and was how things were meant to be under the Constitution. Going back to that will have to be one of the things on the table if Libertarians are serious about abolishing the income tax. We can’t have that and free trade at the same time. Finally, “National Populism is Here to Stay” puts the theoretical argument quite concisely:

[ind]Globalization means creating a single world market for labor and goods. A global labor market means that working- and middle-class wages and living standards in the First World will drop quite a bit, and wages and living standards in the Third World will rise a little bit, until we reach a global average which will represent the pauperization of all advanced industrial societies, East and West. But global economic elites will grow very rich indeed as they pauperize the First World.

So Libertarians like capitalism. The good news is that there are much better ways to run a market economy, such as Distributism. What are our ideas for the way the economy should be run? The evocatively titled “The Republican Party Must Perish” put it like this, along with other things:

[ind]It would be pro-private property, widely distributed, but against the concentration of wealth. It would promote the creation of small and medium-sized businesses to broaden the middle class. It would promote economic protectionism to restore American manufacturing jobs.

All the messaging we need is in the above and in the linked articles.

Final thoughts

This might cause some consternation, and perhaps even a bit of pearl-clutching, in Libertarian circles. Really, all I’m proposing is some metapolitical effort approximately along the lines of certain factions already in their party. As for the rest, our goal is not to shout them down, but to enlighten them and provide lots of much-needed sensibility and intellectual gravitas. Those who remain unconvinced certainly may carry on and advocate their views as before. If all goes well, their party will gain a massive influx of those disenchanted by the Republicrats, perhaps even enough to take the Libertarians out of their perpetual electoral doldrums.

Again, this isn’t a complete “free our land and restore the universe to balance” plan. Until we arrive at one, this will be an opportunity that we can pursue. Nothing happens without action, of course. To make an entryist strategy work, we’ll need people entering Libertarian circles. If you’re up for the challenge, a low-risk pursuit that could yield great rewards, that begins with joining discussion groups and also getting involved at the local level. Socialize with others and enlighten them – personal interaction is something The System can’t prevent. In time, some of us even might start running for office.

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