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Hillary Escapes Justice Again- #Crime Pays

5-7-2016 < The Common Sense Show 53 671 words





In light of the FBI’s recent decision to not file criminal charges against Hillary Clinton over the email scandal has Clinton jumping for joy as she is undoubtedly proclaiming that “I got away with extreme criminal behavior, again. I am untouchable!”

FBI Director is clearly motivated to retain his job after Clinton is elected than he is in performing his sworn duties as an FBI Director. Comey is one of the faces of the criminal enterprise mafia that has taken over the U.S. government

FBI Director is clearly motivated to retain his job after Clinton is elected than he is in performing his sworn duties as an FBI Director. Comey is one of the faces of the criminal enterprise mafia that has taken over the U.S. government

The FBI Director announced that his agency will not be recommending that criminal charges be filed against Hillary Clinton.

The FBI Director was clearly motivated by job preservation as opposed to doing his job as a sworn federal official. He is no better than the criminal Attorney General, Loretta Lynch(mob), who will be retained by Clinton is she becomes the next president. The American government is a total criminal enterprise system.

No Justice for the Criminal Elite

laws are for the peasants

We live in a country where the rule of law only exists for the peasants.  It is a case of living by the Golden Rule (i.e. he who has the gold makes the rules).  There is no justice as live in a world of “Rules for thee but not for me”.



Donald Trump Gets It and He Is Worthy of the Support of the People

Following the release of “no prosecution” for Clinton, Donald Trump tweeted out his reaction:

FBI director said Crooked Hillary compromised our national security. No charges. Wow!

Trump is correct, FBI Director Comey did say that Clinton compromised national security.

“…the FBI found that 110 emails were sent or received on Clinton’s server containing classified information…”

“…it was possible that people hostile to the U.S. had gained access to her personal email account…”

“…seven email chains were classified at the “Top Secret/Special Access Program level” when they were sent and received on Clinton’s server…”

The FBI Director’s every statement speaks to criminal actions on the part of Clinton and her staff, but they fell back on the “I did not mean to do it defense”.



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