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Protection From Zombies Will Come From the Mutation Response Vehicles

19-8-2016 < The Common Sense Show 70 1812 words



The following was sent to me by one of my readers at The Common Sense Show. Please examine and offer any insight. What is a “Mutation Response Vehicle”?

Displaying Attach0.png

I instantly recognized for what it was, the CDC’s fascination with the topic of zombies. if you have never heard of this, you are in a for a shock.

Zombies have been all the rage. Between movies, books, games, television shows, and other media the concept of a zombie apocalypse is very popular. And before you accuse yours truly of totally losing his mind, you should note the accompanying picture, at the top of the page, is brought to you courtesy of the CDC.

Also, when I read that Russia was testing a beam weapon, which was introduced by then Russian defense minister Anatoly Serdyukov that could fight back against a zombie attack, I wondered if I had  missed something in my undergraduate Zoology class.

The Australia’s Herald Sun reports that this Russian weapon could transform humans into Zombies. I began to wonder if there really is something to the rumors coming out of both the mainstream media (MSM) about the plausibility of something transforming humans into zombies, which would, in-turn, terrorize humanity.

In October of 2012, Navy special-operations forces, along with the Marines, took part in a DHS drill on an island off the coast of San Diego. The entire drill was based upon a zombie invasion. This drill was not a parody as the exercise was also attended by former CIA director Michael Hayden.

Let me be clear on this point, former, and then DHS director, Janet Napolitano was not secretly concerned that the undead will soon overrun the human population. Instead, the agency said it wanted to make a serious counter-terrorism training exercise more fun. ABC news reported the event as an example of wasteful spending. In fact, Senator Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) told ABC News that DHS also spent “$30,000 on an underwater robot for Columbus, Ohio, $240,000 for a armored personnel carrier to protect New Hampshire’s annual pumpkin festival and $69,000 for a hovercraft in Indianapolis.” Wasteful spending, more fun? What a great way to hide what DHS is truly up to.

And just when it could not get an weirder, it was reported that FEMA will hold a Zombie Apocalypse/Alien Invasion drill in Moscow, Idaho on April 27, 2012, from 9 am to 5 pm with 100 participating actors. DHS scrubbed the notice of the drill from its website. However, the drill is still a go as evidenced by the fact that the County Coordinator, Sandi Rollins, for the Moscow, ID. area was listed as being the local person in charge of the drill. Here was Ms. Rollins’ contact information

County Coordinator

Latah County

PO Box 8068

Moscow, ID 83843    [email protected]     209-883-2265

The National Geographic Channel Popularizes the “Zombie Threat”

The National Geographic Channel produced a docudrama entitled The Truth Behind Zombies. The threat from Zombies begins as an outbreak in which humans exhibit an extreme level of violence, entranced states as they plunge into absolute madness.  Within days, the epidemic spreads and humanity is griped with fear.  Interesting development. George Soros and Black Lives Matter and, were not needed to promote strife in America. The MSM and the CDC were showing that they were capable of doing all on their own.

The show speculates that there is something behind the zombie myth. The show then proceeds to speculate on whether a mutated virus could create a vast army of Zombies and the producers go so far as to teach viewers how to survive such a threat.

Before running for the hills, it might be useful to recall that National Geographic has always been a CIA enterprise. And it is interesting that this show surfaced in proximity to the Zombie drills sponsored by DHS. One might call this PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING.

Occam’s Razor

Against all common sense, I began to wonder if there could really be something to the legends of Zombies and if DHS actually knew something that we did not about this potential threat. Being a researcher, I began to systematically examine each and every instance of the reports of threatening Zombies using the principle known as Occam’s Razor which states that the simplest answer is most often correct answer.

The Russian Zombie Death Ray Gun

Upon closer examination, the alleged Russian inspired Zombie creating death ray is no more than a crowd control device capable of inflicting massive pain andmind-control. The hordes of newly created Russian Zombies were no more than dissidents who needed to brought under control. And the Russian weapon is similar to the “microwave heater” used by the US government for the same purpose. Although the Zombie producing ray gun is a myth, the fact that the device is a crowd control device is highly significant. Perhaps the Russian version of the DHS is also accumulating billions of rounds of ammunition in order to use it against the Russian people.

DHS Zombie Defense Drills

When we strip away the Zombie hype in the media, the Zombie preparation drill in October of 2012, according to the videotape evidence, is no more than a glorified target practice session designed to practice shooting humans.

Below is a two minute clip of the Zombie preparedness drills sponsored by DHS.

It is very difficult for anyone, who is not dumber than a box of rocks, to find the real threat posed by Zombies in this video. It was difficult to hold back the laughter as I watched this video. However, the important thing to remember about this exercise is that the targets were human and they were unarmed and this is no laughing matter.

DHS Training Exercises and Manuals

When one considers the leaked US Army Military Police training manual, which details how military assets are to be used to stop acts of civil disobedience, to confiscate firearms and to even murder Americans on American soil and these documents are further characterizing Americans as enemies of the state who are “suspicious of centralized federal authority.” Christians who believe the Bible is the literal word of God.are also the enemy of DHS.

dhsWhat the hell is DHS up to? Who are the real Zombies? This is a very reasonable question to ask especially with DHS purchasing billions of rounds of ammunition, placing orders for 2700 armored personnel carriers and placing solicitations for 7,000 fully automatic rifles, one should become very suspicious as to the true motives of DHS.

Who Could Ever Forget?

dhs targetsDo you remember when the DHS got caught using the images of these people as target practice? I have concluded that the pregnant woman is a Zombie as is the little boy and the elderly lady. And just like the Zombies in San Diego and soon to be in Moscow, Idaho, DHS has simply replaced the term domestic terrorist with the term Zombie. Why?

America, YOU Are the Zombies

A mythical Zombie invasion is a politically correct way to practice shooting American citizens in a civilian uprising. Can you imagine the outcry if it were discovered that our military, DHS forces and foreign assets were practicing for civilian uprisings by murdering unarmed civilians in the street? This would serve to awaken a lot of the sheep that mistakenly believes that DHS was actually put in play to protect you from al Qaeda.  Also, when you train your troops to be shooting at zombies, it dehumanizes the target and desensitizes the act, thus, making it easier to pull the trigger for American soldiers when they are called upon to fire upon American citizens.


I was secure in the fact that when I go to bed at night, I might have to worry about Obama and Clinton, but I did not have to worry about Zombies. At least I didn’t until I saw the Mutation Response Team truck. Now, I am not so sure.





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The post Protection From Zombies Will Come From the Mutation Response Vehicles appeared first on Dave Hodges - The Common Sense Show.
