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The Russians AND the Democrats Are Trying to Steal The Upcoming Election

31-8-2016 < The Common Sense Show 33 880 words


Democrats stealing elections.

Democrats stealing elections.

The director of DHS has announced an aggressive campaign to stop Russian hackers from interfering with American elections. Yet Democrats voting multiple times and proven fraud with the electronic voting machines is of no concern to the director of DHS. Hillary Clinton’s criminality continues to walk on water.

The Facts Regarding Democratic Inspired Voter Fraud

Some 6.9 million Americans are registered to vote in two or more states, according to a report obtained by Our nation’s voter rolls are a mess,” says Catherine Engelbrecht, president of the election-watch group True The Vote.

A new Stanford study indicated which only use electronic voting machines give Hillary a 9% advance over Sanders in the Democratic Primary.

The Stanford study demonstrated that pre-election polls accurately predicted election results when a paper ballot was used. However, when unaccountable electronic voting machines were used, with no confirming paper trial, Clinton exceeded expectations by 9%.  When one runs the odds on this being due to random chance, the odds are nearly incalculable.

What adds fuel to this fire is that the two major manufacturers of the voting machines,  Dominion Voting and H.I.G. Capital, are large Clinton campaign supporters. I remember reading something about the fact that it is illegal to engage in such a flagrant conflict of interest.

The criminality oozing out Clinton, never stops. Here is a 3 minute, concise, summation of Clinton got away with voter fraud against Bernie Sanders and how she will do it to Donald Trump.


Breitbart is reporting that “Donald Trump’s claim that the 2016 presidential election could be rigged is all too true, and there’s a growing recognition from many different segments of the political spectrum that the winner could be decided by a small group of hackers, perhaps working for a foreign power.”

CNN, Mother Jones, ABC News,and Politico are all acknowledging the fact that Trump is indeed correct and that the elections are hackable.

Surprisingly, the election hacking is increasingly being done by Russian hackers who are hostile to Hillary Clinton and the Democrats. It is difficult to not root for the Russian hackers because the Democrats are so very corrupt. However, I have to remind myself that we should honor the rule of law.  Yet, I find it despicable the DHS is very concerned about Russian hacking, but not concerned at all by the trail of voter fraud activities related to the Democrats.



clinton voter fraud 2


More details are in the video:


Our elections are not be trusted and that is tragic because when the masses wake up to what is happening to them, they will forsake the legal process in order bring about the needed and desired changes. That is when things will get very ugly



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