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Why the US Can’t Defeat the NWO In a Revolution

7-10-2016 < The Common Sense Show 44 1278 words



Sometimes, there are seemingly minor stories that serve to highlight the loss of character and courage we see in most men in America. The US is on the verge of simultaneous war and martial law imposed by foreign troops. To survive, a man needs to have keen self-awareness, possess physical and mental strength, be willing to demonstrate courage in the face of adversity and most of all be steadfast in their exhibited belief in the word of God.

I loathe the NFL, however, sports has value for youth if handled the right way which means the character, mental toughness, discipline and dedication are mainstays of any athletic team.

Unfortunately, most American males are little more than glorified women incapable of defending either their families, their country or their faith.



We Have Become a Nation of Sissies Where Real Men Are Few In Number

I played high school football, basketball and also played college basketball. I also coached high school football and high school and college basketball. I say this because, in part, I learned to be a man in the pursuit of these endeavors. I learned how pursue my goals and not make excuses in the pursuit of excellence.

I learned about sublimating my ego, rejoicing in the success of others and to respect authority. I also learned about how to win and how to rebound from setbacks. Discipline was a mainstay in my sports experience. Aside from the teachings of Jesus and the excellent guidance from my parents, I learned many of my values and developed an inner strength from the discipline I received from my coaches for whom I have much love, respect and admiration.

The following is a story that demonstrates what is wrong with America. Our men are mentally weak and the collective character is even weaker. The following story also demonstrates our departure away from being a nation of laws.



“Football coach fired after making kid run laps for bullying teammate

 By WTNH News Published: Updated:

DURHAM, Conn. (WTNH) — A football coach has been fired after punishing a child for bullying one of his teammates.

The bullying happened at school. Todd Kennedy, the former head coach of a Durham Middlefield Football team, says he wanted the kids to know that bullying would not be tolerated.

The team is made up of kids in grades 4 through 6. Two of Kennedy’s sons were on the team.

Kennedy says he’d first talked to the entire team about bullying, but when he’d heard that it happened again, he addressed the alleged bully in front of the team last week. The boy denied it, but Kennedy had him run a few laps around the field. Kennedy says afterward he praised the boy for running the laps without complaining.

The league’s board was not happy with the way Kennedy handled the situation.

“[One of the board members] said why did you feel that you were qualified to handle this bullying incident? I’m like because I’m a father,” said Kennedy.

Kennedy was suspended the following morning, and then fired on Monday. He says the board voted unanimously that he could not continue to volunteer as the team’s coach.

“You start questioning yourself, absolutely,” said Kennedy.

He says if one of his own kids was bullying another, he’d have no problem with another coach handling it the way he did. He also feels badly that he wasn’t able to explain what happened to his team.

“They never heard from me, so now you’ve got these children that I’ve been coaching since August and all of a sudden their coach just disappears,” Kennedy said.

Kennedy’s two sons no longer play on the team, and they aren’t the only ones. Shannon Riso’s son is also off the team. She believes the board was wrong to fire Kennedy.

“Bullying is okay – that’s the message I got,” said Riso. “That’s why my son is not going to play for them. I want him to be around better role models than that.”

Kennedy says he was never trained on how to handle bullying as a coach, so he handled it the best way he could. Now he feels like he’s being treated unfairly because of it.

“What I’m going to miss the most is seeing what we would have done this year, seeing if we would have gotten to the championship game,” said Kennedy.”

The people in this community need to remove this board and replace them with men of character. This so-called board is criminally complicit in bullying because most states have laws against the practice.

I would love to interview Coach Kennedy and congratulate him for his efforts in molding character. I would also like to interview the members of this so-called board to see if I could come to understand what kind of people would commit such an outrageous act which destroys the essence of sports which is supposed to teach character.


Are there any good, strong me men left in society? Coach Kennedy is obviously such a man. There are more and the ones that understand what it means to be a man, need to start leading and ignore all the politically correct BS that is destroying the strength of our nation.

When history writes its epitath on America, historians won’t say we fell because our weapons were not powerful enough. They will say we fell because we lacked strength and moral character.




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