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SCIENTISTS CRINGE as Hillary claims hurricanes are caused by PEOPLE… complains that Donald Trump can’t stop hurricanes BUT SHE CAN!

7-10-2016 < The Common Sense Show 174 1775 words




Friday, October 07, 2016

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

(NaturalNews) There’s a point where we all just have to break out in laughter at the complete idiocy of Hillary Clinton, the leftist media and democrats in general. Every single assertion they make is rooted in fiction or delusion. Whether they’re talking about economics, taxes, debt, medicine, science, history, culture or climatology, their entire “cult” of nonsensical beliefs are superbly ridiculous and embarrassingly moronic.

The latest bit of lunacy now being pushed by democrats and the leftist media is so over the top that scientists all around the world are rolling on the floor laughing. According to Hillary Clinton, CNN, NBC and all the rest of the truly leftist media, hurricanes are caused by mankind.

This assertion is being made with a straight face, even in direct contradiction to the simple facts that hurricanes have existed on planet Earth long before modern man ever appeared.

And if you look at the number of hurricanes that have made landfall in the United States since 1900, the trend is DOWN, not up:

Check out the trailed for “Climate Hustle,” the film that exposes the lunacy of the climate change narrative:


If hurricanes are caused by mankind, then why are there hurricanes on Saturn?

There are even hurricanes on other planets, including a giant 1250-mile-wide hurricane on Saturn (see NASA photo below). According to Hillary Clinton and the mindless, scientifically illiterate democrats, all hurricanes are caused by mankind, including hurricanes on other planets where no man has ever set foot. How humans have managed to cause hurricanes on Saturn is never quite explains by “scientists” on CNN, for some reason… maybe because the very idea is stupid beyond belief.

According to democrats, I suppose, carbon dioxide also must be a time traveling greenhouse gas because, apparently, present-day CO2 had to have traveling back in time to cause hurricanes for the last million years or so (yeah, there were hurricanes a million year ago). It’s not just CO2 we have to worry about, you see, it’s that damned time-traveling CO2 that really screws things up!

Here’s a photo of a giant hurricane on Saturn. If you want to stop this hurricane, you’re apparently supposed to vote for a democrat (thereby proving you are a complete idiot):

The scientific lunacy of Clinton, democrats and the media

There isn’t a single democrat running for office who can explain the real causes of hurricanes, by the way. They occur because of solar radiation (yeah, the SUN), the movement of water vapor, air and wind, and the rotation of the planet on its axis. (I’m not even confident any living democrat running for office can explain what an “axis” is, come to think of it…)

Because Earth rotates on its axis, the atmosphere above the surface of the water or land mass is subjected to the Coriolus effect, effectively transferring rotational energy from the planet mass to the atmosphere above it. None of this requires the existence of mankind.

The Coriolus effect explains why hurricanes in the Northern hemisphere swirl in the opposite direction of hurricanes in the Southern hemisphere. Because democrat politicians (and most voters) are so scientifically illiterate, it’s almost impossible to explain to any of them what actually causes hurricanes and why they appear on all planets that have rotational energy, solar radiation and atmosphere. (Yes, EVERY planet in the cosmos that meets the conditions…)

Then again, expecting a democrat to understand science is sort of like expecting a pigeon to be able to play chess. While you’re engaged in a game of skill and strategy, the pigeon is just knocking pieces around and s**tting all over the board.

If you believe humans cause hurricanes, you must also believe black cats cause bad luck

For those of you who believe mankind is the sole cause of hurricanes, you should also throw some salt over your shoulder, rub a rabbit’s foot, paint safety hex symbols over your doorways and avoid black cats or broken mirrors.

Belief in man-made hurricanes, you see, is nothing but silly superstition. You might as well believe that your reluctance to go to church “angered the volcano gods” or that sacrificing 100 virgins on an altar will appease the gods of war.

Every person who says that hurricanes are caused by mankind is a complete moron. This should probably be a voting booth test, come to think of it. Before you get to vote, you’re asked, “Do you believe that hurricanes are caused by humankind?” And if you say YES, then you are directed to exit the room, along with a printed notice that says, “You have been deemed too stupid to vote.”

Don’t vote for Donald Trump because he can’t stop hurricanes… whaa?

So the message of the retarded democrats has now become one of hilarious lunacy: You shouldn’t vote for Donald Trump because he can’t stop hurricanes.

And now, the leftist media is using Hurricane Matthew as a justification to terrorize Floridians with wildly exaggerated fear mongering about the hurricane, which has yet to make landfall. The absurd message now being pushed by Hillary Clinton and the democrats is that if you vote for democrats, the hurricanes will stop.

I remember back in high school when a student moron running for class president promised “free chocolate milk” to all the students. He got elected. Shockingly, there was no free chocolate milk for everyone. Nevertheless, he stayed elected and proceeded to behave like the moron he was. Now, national politics has become just as stupid and idiotic as high school class politics. Today, the leftist media is promising that if democrats get elected, they will stop all the hurricanes. And if you dare elect Donald Trump, the hurricanes won’t ever stop! The horror!

Just WOW. I hope the people of Florida elect Donald Trump just to spite the sheer stupidity of the democrats who now treat every citizen like they’re a five-year-old. “And if you elect Hillary Clinton, the Tooth Fairy will bring you free candy bars from Washington, and Santa Claus will deliver precious gifts with drones, too…”

If you believe that democrats can control the weather, then you must also believe that Wolverine is a real person with retractable adamantium claws, being attacked by a radioactive spider gives you superhuman strength, and being exposed to radiation in space will give you the power of invisibility.

Yes, the democrats have now resorted to comic book logic in their quest to win the White House, and real scientists are cringing in disgust as the entire realm of “science” suffers a massive loss of credibility.

A category 5 hurricane is nothing compared to the destruction that would be unleashed by another Clinton administration

Truth be told, if Hillary Clinton becomes president, the economic destruction that will take place across America will make every U.S. city look like Haiti after a category 5 storm. Hillary will devastate America far worse than any storm imaginable. Democratic policies are, themselves, far more destructive to life, liberty and property than all the world’s volcanoes, earthquakes, hurricanes and floods combined.Mother Nature can’t even compete with the destruction and havoc caused by idiotic democrats and their lunatic economic policies.

Under Barack Obama, another pathological liar and anti-American hater, this nation has already more than doubled its national debt (to nearly $20 trillion!), vastly increased joblessness and homelessness, nearly destroyed the national health care system and thrust tens of millions more people onto food stamps just to survive. No hurricane could even come close to the economic destruction already caused by Obama.

Any person voting for Hillary Clinton is just extending the Obama administration’s failures for another four years, at which point America is probably finished as a nation because it will implode under insufferable debt, horrific taxation policies and an inevitable citizens’ revolt against Washington D.C.

Hurricane Matthew is only threatening a few cities in Florida, but Hillary Clinton threatens every city in America. If there should be any storm warning broadcast by the media right now, it should be a stark warning against electing democrats at any level. They’re the ones destroying this nation and wreaking unfathomable havoc across this nation. They’re the ones who must be stopped.

And while we can’t stop hurricanes, we can stop Hillary Clinton. Vote for Donald J. Trump on November 8th and save America from certain economic destruction at the hands of democrats.

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