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Clinton’s Plan to Confiscate Guns-History Shows Where That Leads

8-10-2016 < The Common Sense Show 41 1100 words



Sometimes, it can be utterly amazing the gifts that one can be sent while they sleep. I awakened to new Wikileaks revelations that are significant.

Clinton and Gun Confiscation

Clinton has been very consistent through the campaign, by being very vague about gun control. Clinton has consistently said that “we need to get the guns out of the hands of the criminals”, whatever that means. What she is not saying, is what all of us who work in the Independent Media already know, anybody who opposes the obliteration of our borders, opposes free trade agreements, is a veteran, believes in the Second Amendment and follows Jesus, is a criminal in the eyes of the NWO minions who have hijacked our government.

The Method of Her Madness

I owe the government of Ecuador and Mr. Assange an apology. Most, including some of best contacts knew that Ecuador was threatened with being destroyed if the latest round of Wikileaks information was ever made public. Perhpas an apology is not in order. The following information is significant, but it is not of the earth shattering variety that Assange promised. In fact, if Assange had never released this information, we would still understand Clinton’s position on gun confiscation anyway. Further, I have been told that what is being revealed is about a one, on a one to ten scale, as to what Assange has managed to gain control of.  This revelation is relatively benign. However, it still serves warning to all gun owners that your private ownership days of guns is almost at an end. And it should serve notice to all Americans, that a Clinton presidency will bring genocide.

Clinton’s Position on Guns

Brian Fallon, Clinton press secretary, has previously stated  that Clinton would support gun control through closing the gun show loophole by executive order. Clinton is also on the record as saying she supports universal background checks and the ability for private parties to have the right to sue gun makers. As an aside, then why would Clinton support victims of deadly pharmaceuticals the right to sue the companies like Eli Lilly and Merck when they produce drugs that kill and maim its users? Instead, Clinton, as a Senator, has supported removing the right of patients to sue over bad drugs in a case of “rules for thee but not for me”.

Wikileaks Revelation

In a Fallon email which dated on 10/4/15, Fallon revealed that Clinton planned to use Executive Orders to impose the gun show loophole and the right to sue gun makers. The latter practice will eventually end all gun manufacturing in the United States. I guess that only Hillary Clinton has the right to immerse herself in the arms business.


Step back for a moment and ask yourself this question: “If Clinton is so opposed to the private ownership of guns, then why would she misuse her position as the Secretary of State to broker arms deals with terrorist states in exchange for “donations” to the Clinton Foundation? And of course the Clinton Foundation is funding much of Clinton’s campaign. How many felonies did you your count in this paragraph?  I count three felonies. Clinton is not opposed to the private ownership of guns, she is only opposed to Americans privately owning guns. If she will misuse Executive Orders to allow law suits against gun makers and to basically end gun shows, which are unconstitutional acts, then what would prevent her from issuing an Executive Order for gun confiscation? That short answer is that we now know Clinton’s position, without a doubt.


The Wikileaks revelation is nothing that the Independent Media did not not already  know. All we have is an email from her campaign manager stating that Clinton supports closing down gun shows, allowing gun makers to be sued and she wants universal registration. Yawn!

I reported earlier this weak that Assange and Ecuador would broker a deal that would allow the release of benign information from Wikileaks hacking. I was correct in that assertion. However, Clinton’s willingness to bypass Congress in order to one day seize our guns is worthy of an historical reminder.

The University of Hawaii sponsors the Demicide Project in which it reveals that there was 19 genocides in the 20th century and that every genocide was preceded by gun confiscation.  And people wonder I oppose a Clinton Presidency with every fiber in my being!


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