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Hillary’s Body Language Tells Us Everything We Need to Know

22-10-2016 < The Common Sense Show 83 1059 words



Body language expresses 93% of all human communication. The spoken word, in contrast only reveals 7%. This article focuses on Hillary Clinton’s body language and specifically, what it tells us about how and what she thinks.

What Does Body Language Tell Us?

Body language says a lot about who we are and it also reveals what we truly think. If one wants to know if someone is telling the truth, say, in a Presidential debate, turn off the sound simply watch the body language of the candidates. The answer to the truth-telling question will become instantly apparent. Body language is highly revealing and there is no substitute for evaluating a person’s truthfulness and ultimately their character.

The totality of body language includes body movements and gestures (legs, arms, hands, head and torso), posture, muscle tension, eye contact, skin coloring,a person;s respiration and perspiration. Further, the tone of voice, the rapidity of speech as well as pitch of the voice all adds up to proper interpretation of body language.

It is important to realize that body language may vary between individuals and vary from culture to culture. It is therefore essential to verify and confirm the signals that one is seeing by evaluating what is normal for that person.

The 2016 Presidential Campaign

In short, Donald Trump’s body language communicated messages of nervousness with his inability to maintain a consistent posture. This is understandable since Trump is not a politician and the pressure he must have felt, with regard to the three debates, must have been enormous. However, I would like to focus exclusively on the body language of Hillary Clinton because there are messages that are highly revealing regarding her true agenda and her hidden intentions for the American people.

In the following two videos, a body language expert deciphers Clinton’s body language is inauthentic and angry, presumably because Trump is exposing her true agenda and her contempt and disdain for the “deplorables” (i.e. you and me).

Here is what another body language expert says about Clinton’s body language prior to the 2016 campaign. In short, Clinton is a congenital liar.

Whatever Clinton may have wanted to shield from the public by ILLEGALLY using her own email server, she cannot hide the fact that is that she’s now deeply discombobulated, threatened and very, very angry. Look at this picture of her at a 2015 Las Vegas speech immediately after the email scandal surfaced.

Just look at the scowl in the Las Vegas photo. She has been caught committing multiple felonies and she is very angry because Clinton is supposedly made of Teflon.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton looks on as she speaks during a town hall meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada

Hillary Clinton during a town hall meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada, August 18, 2015. REUTERS/David Becker

Clinton’s Contempt for the Average American

There is a pose that Clinton repeatedly exhibits. She assumed this position repeatedly in the third and final debate with Donald Trump. She displays this body positioning over and over.

The American people are "deplorable".

The American people are “deplorable”.

Clinton repeatedly lifts her chin and looks down her nose. When she previously used the word “deplorables”, she was telling the truth with regard to how Clinton views the average American.


Do you want to know the real Hillary Clinton? Would she send American dissenters to FEMA camps? Would she start World War III on behalf of the bankers? Simply turn down the sound and watch her body language.

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