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If Trump Falls, So Does America

9-5-2017 < The Common Sense Show 57 1474 words



This is Part Three of a three part series which details why Trump must be removed from office, from a globalist perspective and the methods/results that would follow such a removal.

Why Trump Must Go

From a globalist persepctive, Donald Trump must go and he must be gone quickly. Although the Deep State/globalists have clear control of American foreign policy, they do not totally control Attorney General Jeff Sessions and President Trump. To the globalists, Trump is still very dangerous as evidenced by the following:

  1. Sessions’ recent actions led to the prosecution of 90 child-sex-traffickers.  With each successive set of arrests and convictions, Sessions is working his way up the trafficking ladder and some very big names are appearing on the horizon. There are strong rumors that Abedin and Weinver may have to turn state’s evidence in order to survive what will be a massive purge to protect the kingdom of this unholy and hedonistic practice. Sessions is accomplishing what the investigators at Penn State could not, namely, the prosecution of the next higher-up layer of traffickers. Sessions must be stopped and the only sure way to do so is to cut the head off of the snake, which means the removal of Trump from office.

  2. Trump himself is posing a major threat to the existing order. Trump has been making the wrong kind of noise, namely, he’s been making Glass-Steagall noise. Very quitely, and going almost unnoticed, Trump is deadset on stopping the bleeding of the American economy. A Glass-Steagall reintroduction would prevent banks and financial brokerages from covering bad debt investments with the collateral from their financial resources, thus endangering their depositer’s investments. In other words, the Ponzi Scheme known as Credit Swap Derivatives would not be able to leverage the credit rating of a bank, or the underwriting from a brokerage. The Wall Street crooks which wrecked our economy in 2008, would go broke themselves under a new Glass-Steagall Act.  The new arrangement could negate the bail-outs. In 2015, the interest on the Credit Swap Derivatives was $505 trillion dollars based on an estimated debt of $1.5 quadrillion dollars. This act by Trump would essentially constitute a form of debt repudiation and this debt repudiation is the only way that the Americna economy will survive. This is the equivalent of Lincoln’s Greenbacks plan following the Civil War. It is also the equivalent of JFK’s silver certificate “C-Notes”. And what happened to both Presidents? They were summarily executed by being shot in the head.

Methods of Removing Trump From Office

In Part Two, I reported that a very clear picture was beginning to emerge as the Deep State has settled into a progressive three-tiered approach to removing President Trump from office.

  1. The initial plan was to compile the false Russian allegations from places like the New York Times and the Washington Post and impeach Trump under some provision, such as trading with the Trading with the Enemies Act. By the way, this was the act that Prescott Bush violated during WW II as continued to trade with the Nazis. Prescott Bush was the father of George H.W. Bush. This plan to remove Trump from office has been impaired by the fact that Trump is on the verge of war with Russia which destroys the argument for taking Trump out of office. What is the likelihood that a revolution would result from this action?


1. It has been widely reported that certain key members of Congress have been secretly meeting and planning to take Trump out of office under the disability clause of the 25th Their primary target has been the perceived mental illnesses of the President, most of which could be considered to be Paranoid Personality Disorder. This “data gathering” is designed to influence the Cabinet as they would be the ones responsible for casting the vote to remove the President from office. What is the likelihood that a revoution woud ensue if this strategy were to be implemented by the globalists?


3. The assassination card is the third and final stop in this progressive approach to remove the President. What is the potential for revolution if Donald Trump were to be assassinated?


Globalist Intent Determines Strategy

What strategy would be employed to take Trump down? It depends on the immediate goal of the globalists. If the globalists seek to totally destroy the new-found populism, which emerged during the Trump campaign, then assassination is most likely. In the aftermath of an assassination, the populists are drawn into the conflict and lethal crowd control would be employed. The followup  would consist of mass arrests and incarceration, Stalinist-style. Please note that in this scenario, we would be quickly educated about how many malls can be converted to prison camps in the blink of an eye. This scenario would provide America with an automatic civil war.

I have concluded that unless Trump backs off, he will be the next JFK. The Russian strategy to remove Trump has laregely come and gone. The use of the 25th Amendment is a long shot. That leaves Trump and globalists to the bottom line. Trump must stop what he’s doing or face the historical consequences.

Predictable Result

In Venezuela, where a human holocaust is unfolding, the predictable is happening. The military is defecting to stand with the people. This is what Jade Helm 16 (i.e. UWEX 16) was all about. And this is why all the UN troops are here. They will serve as the enforces for the globalists. I just provided for a scorecared of the participants of the next civil war.


The Trump Card

If the globalists seek to minimize citizen backlash, in the aftermath of an assassination, they would need a major distraction. A Trump replacement would need to appear to be on the side of the people and seeking justice for Donald Trump. He, presumably Pence, would need an instant boost in popularity to lessen resistance. What kind of event could provide this type of insurance. The only answer is a dramatic false flag event.

This is mere speculation, but if the Oroville Dam were to break, that crisis would provide the type of distraction distraction by the globalists. It would also make the new President, appear presidential and perhaps have a calming effect.

I have covered how it appears that HAARP has been brought to bear in the crisis. Certainly, with the Spring run-off coming, the dam is in big trouble, with or without HAARP.

If the Oroville Dam were to break, the following variables would come into play.

  1. From Oroville to Sacramento, 2.5 million people be put in immediate jeopardy

  2. Famine would  result because the Central Valley of California produces the second most rice in the world. Also, it leads the world in winter fruit and veggies. Nothing would grow for 4-5 years

  3. A full 25% of the nation’s trucking as it relates to retail commerce comes from California and all the westward routes would be underwater. The economy would come to a standstill.

  4. The UN troops on our soil would gain a foothold of control as they woud spring into action under the guise of humanitarian aid. In effect, they would be facilitating the coup in my humble opinion.


In my very humble opinion, the country’s future hangs in the balance. Never before, has America ever been at these specific crossroads.  And what is most amazing is that the globalists are on the verge of pulling this off with almost complete stealth.


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