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Journo Says ‘Violent Resistance’ Should Be More Organized Than Baseball Shooting

15-6-2017 < The Daily Sheeple 68 388 words


A Huffington Post writer appeared to criticize the baseball shooter for poor planning Wednesday, saying “violent resistance” has to be more organized to “work.”

“For violent resistance to work it’d need to be organized,” writer Jesse Benn tweeted. “Individual acts can be understandable, but likely counterproductive/ineffective.”

For violent resistance to work it'd need to be organized. Individual acts can be understandable, but likely counterproductive/ineffective.

— Jesse Benn (@JesseBenn) June 14, 2017

His tweet appears to be a comment on the attempted mass shooting at a GOP baseball practice early Wednesday morning. Five people, including House Minority Whip Steve Scalise, were wounded when James Hodgkinson opened fire on the field. All of them are expected to survive, in part because Scalise’s security detail was on the scene and quickly neutralized the shooter.

Benn identifies himself as a “member of the intolerant left” on his Twitter profile, and links to his author page on the Huffington Post, where he is published as recently as December, 2016.

One user called the tweet an incitement of violence and tagged the FBI in a reply to Benn. Apparently unfazed, Benn replied: “I keep saying this – you have to take the time to call in to the secret service/FBI et al.”

I keep saying this – you have to take the time to call in to the secret service/FBI et al.

— Jesse Benn (@JesseBenn) June 14, 2017

Federalist co-founder Sean Davis also weighed in.

HuffPo writer's main beef w/ today's attempted mass murder of Republicans is that it was poorly organized.

— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) June 14, 2017

“HuffPo writer’s main beef w/ today’s attempted mass murder of Republicans is that it was poorly organized,” he tweeted.

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