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Facebook AI Invents Language that Humans Cannot Understand: System Shut Down Before it Evolves into Skynet

1-8-2017 < Red Ice Creations 88 159 words
Facebook AI Invents Language that Humans Cannot Understand: System Shut Down Before it Evolves into Skynet Facebook was forced to shut down one of its artificial intelligence systems after researchers discovered that it had started communicating in a language that they could not understand. The incident evokes images of the rise of Skynet in the iconic Terminator series. Perhaps Tesla CEO Elon Musk is right about AI being the "biggest risk we face." Facebook had to pull the plug on an artificial intelligence system that its researchers were working on because things got out of hand. The AI did not start shutting down computers worldwide or something of the sort, but it stopped using English and started using a language that it created. Bob: "I can can I I everything else." Alice: "Balls have zero to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to." The above passages, which mean no sense to humans,…