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Pentagon says Damascus claims of phosphorus bombs used by coalition ‘false’

28-9-2017 < RT 71 150 words

The Pentagon has called the reports on the US-led anti-Islamic State coalition’s use of phosphorus bombs in Deir ez-Zor false. Syrian state media reported on Wednesday that US-led coalition aircraft carried out strikes on a civilian district in the Deir ez-Zor province using white phosphorus munitions, killing three people and leaving five others wounded. The strike was carried out in Al-Suwar, a small town east of the city of Deir ez-Zor, Syrian TV and SANA news agency said. “The report is false. A review of the coalition’s strike logs indicates no corroboration with the time, date, location, and munition of the alleged incident,” Operation Inherent Resolve’s press office told Sputnik. The Syrian government in August also blamed the coalition for dropping phosphorus bombs on Raqqa.
