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US Saber-Rattling Drills During Trump’s Asia-Pacific Visit. Three US Carrier Strike Groups are Part of His “Peace Mission”

8-11-2017 < Global Research 64 509 words


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Three US carrier strike groups are involved, the Nimitz, Theodore Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan, a rare show of combined force in one part of the world at the same time outside of a war theater.

North Korea calls provocative US Asia-Pacific military exercises rehearsals for war, “criminal moves for igniting a war of aggression,” according to its state-run KCNA news agency.

On Monday, it accused the Trump administration of a possible “preemptive nuclear attack” on its territory, claiming a right to launch catastrophic war over nothing because no DPRK threat exists.

In late October, dozens of House members co-sponsored a “No Unconstitutional Strike Against North Korea Act” – meant to prevent Trump preemption without congressional approval.

His extreme hostility toward the DPRK appears megalomaniacal. It risks “reckless implementation,” said the KCNA.

Washington will bear full responsibility if war on the peninsula erupts. The risk is dangerously high.

The Japanese destroyer Inazuma will join the three US carrier strike groups in exercises, following separate drills in the Sea of Japan with Indian warships.

It’s unclear exactly when and where upcoming exercises will be held. Reuters said they’ll go on for three days. US officials didn’t disclose exact dates or location, adding:

“The Pentagon and the Navy’s Pacific Fleet declined comment on future operations.”

In Tokyo before heading to South Korea, Trump again said the “era of strategic patience” with Pyongyang is over.

Three US carrier strike groups engaged in saber-rattling exercises together send a clear message of possible preemptive war if the DPRK won’t abandon its nuclear and ballistic missile programs.

Belligerent threats from Washington, along with provocative saber rattling, make Pyongyang more determined to press on with its weapons development, its best chance to deter US aggression.

China is justifiably concerned, Xi certain to stress it during Trump’s visit. Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying commented on heightened tensions, saying:

“All relevant sides should exercise restraint, avoid irritating each other, dedicate themselves to lowering the tense situation on the peninsula, and at the same time make positive efforts to get the North Korean nuclear issue back on a track to a resolution via talks as soon as possible.”

Trump rejects diplomacy, the only viable solution, suggesting he may choose a military option instead. He lied claiming a North Korean threat when none exists.

With America at war in multiple theaters, will the Korean peninsula be the next one? If so, it could erupt any time without warning.

VISIT MY NEW WEB SITE: (Home – Stephen Lendman). Contact at [email protected].

My newest book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”
