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Epidemic Levels: Tens of Thousands Infected as this Year’s Flu Vaccine Totally Ineffective

29-12-2017 < The Daily Sheeple 61 1377 words

The 2017-2018 flu season has shown to be particularly nasty this year — in part, they believe, because of a less effective vaccine. Each month, flu cases have multiplied and the CDC has already warned this year’s flu will be worst than the last. To date, 23 states are showing widespread influenza levels and many believe this season could easily reach epidemic levels.

Headlines across the country are indicative of epidemic fears

An Ineffective Flu Shot Has Led to Health Concerns

The results of tests performed by public health laboratories, as well as the age group distribution of influenza positive tests, during the current week are summarized below.

Week 50 Data Cumulative since
October 1, 2017 (Week 40)
No. of specimens tested 1,623 15,994
No. of positive specimens* 795 5,046
Positive specimens by type/subtype

    Influenza A 689 (86.7%) 4,387 (86.9%)
    A(H1N1)pmd09 58 (8.4%) 366 (8.3%)
    H3N2 611 (88.7%) 3,965 (90.4%)
    Subtyping not performed 20 (2.9%) 56 (1.3%)
    Influenza B 106 (13.3%) 659 (13.1%)
     Yamagata lineage 75 (70.8%) 438 (66.5%)
     Victoria lineage 10 (9.4%) 39 (5.9%)
      Lineage not performed 21 (19.8%) 182 (27.6%)

Influenza A has been the more predominant strain this year and is known to cause more severe symptoms. On average in the United States, this strain can kill between 4,000-60,000 people a year.

With the flu shot only mildly effective, many will not stand a chance at fighting off this powerful strain. Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, suspects the vaccine won’t work any better in the U.S. [than it did during Australia’s flu season] “It is possible that we will experience low vaccine effectiveness against influenza A (H3N2) viruses and a relatively severe influenza season if they predominate,” Fauci and colleagues wrote in an article published recently in the New England Journal of Medicine. (Source)

The reason the 2017 shot isn’t preventing as many cases of the H3N2 strain or Flu A is that the flu strain scientists were using to grow the virus mutated during the growing process. It’s not a harmful defect, but it means that the non-live strain of H3N2 influenza in the injection is slightly different than what’s actually circulating in the human population. This means that our bodies are not capable of fighting this flu strain off as easily.

This is not the first time the flu shot has been ineffective. In 2015, the UK experienced a sharp increase in flu cases. Only 3 out of every 100 vaccinated people were prevented from getting full-blown influenza, a situation that led to a large rise in the elderly winter death rate in the UK. In the same year, on the other side of the pond, the U.S. saw extreme flu cases leading the CDC to admit the flu shot did not work.

The same is being said for this year’s flu shot and we must stay aware of the symptoms and prepare accordingly.

The suddenness of symptoms is also what sets this flu apart from others. Experts indicate that with this flu, you are aware of the moment you begin coming down with symptoms rather than a gradual decline in health. People who have the flu often feel some or all of these symptoms:

  • Fever* or feeling feverish/chills

  • Cough

  • Sore throat

  • Runny or stuffy nose

  • Muscle or body aches

  • Headaches

  • Fatigue (tiredness)

  • Some people may have vomiting and diarrhea, though this is more common in children than adults.
    * It’s important to note that not everyone with flu will have a fever.

Prepare for the Worst

While medical experts urge everyone to take their vitamins, get plenty of sleep, frequently wash their hands, and of course get the flu shot, there are some natural ways to amp up the body’s immune system with a flu-fighting arsenal.

Herbs and essential oils are considered mankind’s first medicine and it has been used throughout history for medical treatment. Using herbs can significantly reduce cold and flu-like symptoms.

In my home, we drink a lot of herbal teas with honey, lemon, ginger syrup added to it. As well, we include a lot of fresh vitamins from fruit and vegetables; and, if we are beginning to feel the onslaught of the flu, we begin taking a vitamin regimen of zinc and Vitamin D and spoonfuls of homemade elderberry syrup. As well, diet alterations can make a profound difference in boosting your body’s immunity.

Some foods that will provide you with optimum health are:

  • Organic fruits and vegetables

  • Fermented foods such as kombucha, kefir, yogurt, kimchi, etc.

  • Organic, pastured meats and eggs (including 100% grass-fed beef)

  • Healthy fats, such as coconut oil, olive oil, avocados, nuts.

  • Avoid sugar, especially refined sugars. Sugar weakens the immune system.  If you need sweeteners, use raw honey, maple syrup, & stevia.

  • Drinking teas high in antioxidants such as green tea can stimulate the production of immune cells.

  • Raw honey has antibacterial, antifungal, & antiviral properties (LOCAL raw honey is best, especially for allergies).

  • 1 Tbsp. apple cider vinegar per day.

  • Eating nuts such as almonds have an immune-strengthening antioxidant.

Mushrooms are an untapped medicinal source that could help fend off the flu due to their high antioxidant content, anti-viral and antibiotic properties. With their high protein sources, they can be used as meat alternatives which would be easier on the body’s system, specifically our nervous systems. Over time, these health-enhancing properties synergize and build up in the body and improve health.

Bone broth is another way to boost your health and is one of the most healing of diet staples. This used to be a dietary staple with our ancestors as was fermented foods. It aids in digestion, contained easily absorbable minerals and is great for the immune system. Bone marrow helps the immune system by carrying oxygen to cells in the body.

Turning toward natural remedies now will give you the knowledge and skills you need to keep your family well during this severe flu season. As well, consider learning ways to make homemade lozenges to soothe sore throats, or possessing basic knowledge on which herbs may be used to treat cold/flu symptoms. Further, knowing how to combine these together to make cold/flu syrups will only better your family’s chances at beating the cold/flu season when OTC medicines aren’t as readily available.

Stay well!

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The Prepper's Blueprint

Tess Pennington is the author of The Prepper’s Blueprint, a comprehensive guide that uses real-life scenarios to help you prepare for any disaster. Because a crisis rarely stops with a triggering event the aftermath can spiral, having the capacity to cripple our normal ways of life. The well-rounded, multi-layered approach outlined in the Blueprint helps you make sense of a wide array of preparedness concepts through easily digestible action items and supply lists.

Tess is also the author of the highly rated Prepper’s Cookbook, which helps you to create a plan for stocking, organizing and maintaining a proper emergency food supply and includes over 300 recipes for nutritious, delicious, life-saving meals. 

Visit her web site at for an extensive compilation of free information on preparedness, homesteading, and healthy living.

This information has been made available by Ready Nutrition

Originally published December 28th, 2017

The Ready Nutrition Vegetable Garden In A Can

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