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Russia’s “Threat to US National Security” Ignored by Trump. America Remains “Vulnerable to the Kremlin’s Aggressive Influence Operations”. Senate Foreign Relations Committee

11-1-2018 < Global Research 67 475 words


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

A disinformation Senate Foreign Relations Committee report was commissioned and published by Russophobic undemocratic Dem Ben Cardin, supported by other committee Dems, independent of GOP committee members.

It makes claims – based solely on long ago discredited Big Lies, using disreputable Russophobic sources.

The report represents another episode in Washington’s Russia bashing, aimed at Vladimir Putin,

The report says America “remains vulnerable to Russian interference.”

It claims a “nearly two decades-long (Putin) assault on democratic institutions, universal values, and the rule of law across Europe and in his own country. “

The report turned truth on its head, claiming

“(n)ever before in American history has so clear a threat to national security been so clearly ignored by a US president, and without a strong US response, institutions and elections here and throughout Europe will remain vulnerable to the Kremlin’s aggressive and sophisticated malign influence operations.”

Ben Cardin and likeminded Russophobes are unfit to serve, disgracing the office they hold, falsely claiming a Russian threat to America and its allies.

No threat exists, not now or earlier, especially under Putin’s leadership.


“…Putin continues to refine his asymmetric arsenal and look for future opportunities to disrupt governance and erode support for the democratic and international institutions that the United States and Europe have built over the last 70 years.”

Instead of  seeking improved bilateral relations, Cardin and likeminded Senate Russophobes urge confrontation, risking unthinkable nuclear war.

The 200-page report was commissioned after the US November 2016 election. Using Russophobic sources and media, it’s pure disinformation and fear-mongering.

It promotes greater defense spending for offense than already, stiffer illegal sanctions, propaganda war to promote America’s worldview, along with escalated efforts to weaken, contain and isolate Russia – a reckless agenda heading toward confrontation between the world’s dominant nuclear powers.

As long as bipartisan neocons infest Washington, the risk remains huge.

The report recommends US-dominated NATO challenge Russia aggressively short of war.

It claims nonexistent Russian malign influence. It calls for lobbying against Russian oil and gas pipelines, notably Nord Stream 2, saying:

It undermines European energy security, “mak(ing) Europe more dependent on Russian energy supplies…”

US/Russia relations are more dismal and dangerous than at any previous time in decades.


Stephen Lendman is a Research Associate of the CRG, Correspondent of Global Research based in Chicago.

My newest book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”
