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BBC backs Ed Balls revealing the secret behind his partying with ‘Trumpettes’ at Mar-a-Lago

23-1-2018 < RT 82 404 words

Ed Balls has caused a social media stir after pictures of him partying with busty blondes at US President Donald Trump’s “winter White House” emerged.

The former Labour politician and ‘Strictly Come Dancing’ star was spotted flanked by female supporters of Trump – dubbed “Trumpettes.”

The celebration was marking one year since the Trump inauguration. The 45th president did not actually turn up to the event at his Florida resort Mar-a-Lago, however.

Balls was partying with clairvoyant Tina Hillstrom, one of the four core members of "Real Women 4 Trump" and socialite and founder of the “Trumpettes” Toni Holt Kramer.

Confusion spread about his presence there.

Others joked at his expense.

However, the BBC backed Balls, confirming he is currently making a documentary on world politics. The series is entitled “Ed Balls: My Deep South Road Trip,” according to the Beeb.

During the show, Balls interviews Trump fanatics to try to understand the historic election of the billionaire businessman to power.

Balls said of the show: “It's one thing to swap being a politician for reality TV and embarrass your family in the process.

“It's quite another thing to swap reality TV for the US presidency and turn the world upside down. I’ve always loved visiting the American south – the food and the music are fabulous and there's so much to learn from its history.

“But I was as shocked as anyone else by the way the south helped sweep Trump to victory. So I'm looking forward to visiting the communities at the heart of the Trump revolution, getting to know the voters who elected him and finding out what they think of him one year on.”

However, the truth did not set Balls free from the angry public.

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