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They DO NOT Want This Memo Released! The Mainstream Media Is Having An EPIC Meltdown Over The Pending Release Of The Nunes Memo

30-1-2018 < The Daily Sheeple 59 379 words

lies deception propaganda media

With the release of a controversial memo set to expose a litany of corruption throughout the FBI and the Justice Department just days away, the mainstream media has gone into disinformation hyperdrive in the hopes of discrediting the key information contained within the memo before it is even released.

In other words, the same mainstream media outlets who have worked tirelessly to destroy Trump at the behest of their deep state intelligence community masters are now doing everything in their power to discredit not only the memo itself, but also the politicians who have pushed for its release.

At this point it has become strikingly obvious that the mainstream media is truly scared of what is contained within the memo and are now willing to spread literally any lie in the hopes of advancing the laughable narrative that releasing a document to the public is anti-transparency.

While some media talking heads have taken to Twitter to meltdown over the FISA memos pending release, others have actually appeared on television to accuse House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes of being a straight up Russian agent.

MSNBC, a network that has devoted itself to 24-7 anti-Trump disinformation since at least a year before his stunning election victory, led the charge with the networks co-host John Heilemann directly asking a Democratic member of Congress if Devin Nunes worked for the Russians.

Keep in mind, this insane accusation is being thrown out there because the deep state masters who control Heilemann’s network are melting down over the fact that their explicit corruption is about to be exposed to the entire country.

“I want to ask you a question that under almost any other circumstances would be ridiculous and absurd but under these circumstances I think is actually warranted,” Heilemann told Democratic Senator Chris Murphy.

“Is it possible that the Republican chairman of the House Intel Committee has been compromised by the Russians?” he continued. “Is it possible that they actually have a Russian agent running the House Intel Committee on the Republican side?”
