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The Alt-Right: Just Another High School Clique

31-1-2018 < Attack the System 64 190 words

I don’t share this guy’s politics, but his criticisms of the direction the Alt-Right has taken seems fairly accurate. Sorry, but I just don’t see these guys overthrowing any states, ruling classes, or empires. Instead, they’ve become the mirror image of the Left. If the Left could be considered a kind of cool kids’ club that’s about achieving status by means of virtue signaling, victimology, and progressive stacking, the Alt-Right has become the “revenge of the nerds,” i.e. a cool kids’ club for the uncool kids.

[Btw, here’s a somewhat interesting piece by an Antifa writer outlining a strategy for ensuring that the cool kids’ club remains exclusive to cool kids. The history that is outlined in this seems fairly accurate. What she’s calling for is left unity against both the elite and the far right, and in a way that is predictably completely uncritical or non-reflective when it comes to problems with the Left.]
