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Tyranny in China & Covert Destabilization Operations

28-2-2018 < Boiling Frogs Post 115 460 words

This week on China Watch, the world cries “tyranny” as PRC moves to abolish term limits for Xi Jinping.  China Watch says, Hmm.  Term limits.  Interesting.  We look at how succession issues are handled in China.  And point out that term limits have brought the United States to the brink of disaster.  How ‘bout that?

We also look at the deadly dance of the regional powers, India and the People’s Republic of China, over Pakistan.

The United States, India, and Afghanistan have pretty much declared open season on Pakistan and there’s all sorts of public economic and diplomatic pressure and covert destabilization operations going on against Pakistan

China’s trying to stay out of the middle of the Pakistan mess.  And that means great power deal cutting between the PRC and India and, maybe, the Chinese playing some footsie with some anti-Pakistan separatist groups.

Matters came out into the open last week over an obscure international organization, the FATF.  You’ll learn what those initials mean, and why they’re important to China’s strategy for South Asia.

And we talk drones.  So pretty…and so deadly.  At the Olympics today, on the battlefield tomorrow.

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Show notes

‘Dictator for Life’: Xi Jinping’s power grab condemned as step toward tyranny

Retirement rule for CCP leaders “pure folklore”

China censors Winnie-the-Pooh after President Xi Jinping is compared to the lovable bear

Bush’s former Iraq ambassador to seek Afghan presidency

Alone at FATF

India congratulates China on being elected FATF Vice President

Confusion over Chinese talks with Baluch separatists in Pakistan

General MacArthur’s Conspiracy to Start a War with China! New Documentary Release & Interview! For purchase at Newsbud Store or for Purchase or View via Amazon or Vimeo

The Korean War was a desperate and dubious battle in which the US was ready to try anything and everything to overcome its strategic and tactical disadvantages.  Biological weapons, nuclear weapons…and Douglas MacArthur’s plans for a strategic breakout via escalation of the Korean conflict to a regional war.  Everything was on the table.

Douglas MacArthur made the first US attempt to parlay a Korean crisis into an existential confrontation with the People’s Republic of China.  With the US milsec establishment, his ideas are more popular—and dangerous—than ever.  My documentary uses first hand testimony and declassified archives to finally reveal the truth behind this long-suppressed event.
