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More Than 30 White House Aides Lose Top Secret Clearance, Sources Say

28-2-2018 < Blacklisted News 58 159 words

More than 30 aides to President Donald Trump have been stripped of access to top secret intelligence, two people familiar with the move said. The officials have been notified that they will be downgraded to lower-level “secret” interim security clearances, said the two people. None of the officials have been asked to leave the administration and their portfolios on top secret matters will be distributed to other staff members, they said. Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser, also has had his security clearance downgraded as result of the same new policy on interim clearances set by White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, said another person familiar with the material.

All of the officials whose clearances were downgraded held the top secret designation on an interim basis. Kelly set a new policy that took effect last week that permits interim clearances only at the secret level and not permitting temporary clearances at higher levels.

