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Falsely Accused Parkland School Shooter Sues Alex Jones’ InfoWars for Defamation

3-4-2018 < Blacklisted News 67 270 words

Marcel Fontaine, who was falsely declared a suspect in the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting by conspiracy-theorist website InfoWars, is now suing Alex Jones for more than a million dollars.

Fontaine, a young man from Massachusetts, filed suit in the district court of Travis County, Texas on Monday against InfoWars head Alex Jones; InfoWars reporter Kit Daniels; InfoWars LLC; and Free Speech Systems, LLC, InfoWars’ parent company. The suit charges that InfoWars “irreparably tainted” his reputation in a report that falsely claimed he was suspected as the Stoneman Douglas shooter.

Daniels’ story about the shooting, published Feb. 14, included a picture of Fontaine.

“And another alleged photo of the suspect shows communist garb,” Daniels wrote, above the picture of Fontaine.

The picture showed Fontaine wearing a novelty T-shirt that said “Communist Party,” with communists drinking and carousing (including Karl Marx with a lampshade on his head).

“Shooter is a commie,” InfoWars blared.

The lawsuit notes that a Republican state legislator in North Carolina shared the InfoWars piece, and estimates that “hundreds of millions” of people saw the story.

“InfoWars’ story became a lie told round the world,” the suit reads.

The suit also said Fontaine still faces “ridicule, harassment, and threats of violence” from InfoWars readers who believed the story was true, and that his life “remains in genuine peril.” He is also facing a “severe degree of mental stress and anguish,” according to the suit.



InfoWars’ Alex Jones Hit With $1 Million Lawsuit for Falsely Implicating Man in Parkland Shooting []
