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‘Russian meddling’: Mike Huckabee jokes over colonoscopy with Russian doctor

4-4-2018 < RT 59 328 words

Conservative heavyweight Mike Huckabee tweeted on Tuesday that his colon had been inspected by a Russian doctor, in what he jokingly described as some serious “Russian meddling.”

“Had a colonoscopy today. My doctor was actually Russian,” Huckabee, whose daughter Sarah currently serves as White House Press Secretary, wrote. “Now THAT is what I call RUSSIAN MEDDLING! They put me to sleep w/ same stuff Michael Jackon used. When I woke up, I MOON-walked right out of the hospital!” he added, apparently in jest, while also misspelling Michael Jackson’s name.

The joke did not go over well with some people though.

“Sounds like the effects of the drugs haven’t worn off yet,” one particularly unamused Twitter user replied.

Others opted for jokes of their own:

One kind-hearted Twitter user even expressed sympathy for the Russian doctor – risking accusations of being labelled a Kremlin stooge. 

“I don’t know whom I feel more sorry for… The doctor that performed your colonoscopy, or the rest of us that had to hear about it in your attempt at humor,” the user wrote.

READ MORE: ‘If Trump uses Russian dressing, that’s Russian connection’ – Spicer to press as Twitter explodes

Huckabee, a former presidential candidate and governor of Arkansas, has been a vocal critic of special prosecutor Robert Mueller’s probe into alleged ties between the Trump administration and Moscow. “This whole investigation quite frankly stinks worse than cabbage cooking in a small unventilated kitchen with sardines on the side,” Huckabee said on Fox News last year.

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