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Antibiotic-resistant "nightmare" bacteria are spreading across the US

4-4-2018 < Blacklisted News 54 329 words

carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae, CRE bacteria, CDC, ARLN, Antibiotic Resistance Laboratory Network, antibiotic resistance, antibiotic resistant bacteria, bacteria, deadly bacteria, nightmare bacteria

A new breed of “nightmare” bacteria resists pretty much all of our antibiotics – and it’s rapidly spreading across the US. The bacteria – called carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) – is different from your run-of-the-mill antibiotic-resistant bacteria because it is incredibly deadly, with 50 perfect of infected patients dying. Not only that, but it is spreading like “wildfire” with over 200 cases identified in 27 states.

carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae, CRE bacteria, CDC, ARLN, Antibiotic Resistance Laboratory Network, antibiotic resistance, antibiotic resistant bacteria, bacteria, deadly bacteria, nightmare bacteria

Researchers at the CDC said that last year they tested 5,700 samples of resistant bacteria, and of those samples, 221 were CRE or similar bacteria. That’s a full 15 percent. “I was surprised by the numbers” of bacteria with unusual antibiotic resistance, Dr. Anne Schuchat, principal deputy director of the CDC, said. “This was more than I was expecting.” Once researchers detected these bacteria, they tested other patients in the same facility to see if the bacteria had spread. It turned out that 1 in 10 people had what scientists call a “silent” infection, where they have the bacteria in their bodies but aren’t showing symptoms.

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Fortunately, doctors have a plan. They are working hard to stop the spread before it becomes common. To that end, the CDC created the Antibiotic Resistance Laboratory Network (ARLN) to test and track for these dangerous bacteria. Using an aggressive containment strategy, researchers have been able to control the infection. But the danger isn’t over – doctors and scientists will have to be vigilant to stay ahead of the antibiotic-resistance trend as bacteria continue to evolve and change to evade our efforts.

Via Live Science

Images via Deposit Photos (12)
