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Newsbud Exclusive- In Only 2.5 Months DOD Spent $3,945,000,000+ on Thirty Drone Contracts.

6-4-2018 < Boiling Frogs Post 69 129 words

U.S. war corporations are thrilled with the growth industry that unmanned aircraft represent. Below we highlight and explain all of the contracts involving drones that the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) issued from the beginning of January through the end of March 2018. DOD spent at least $3,945,000,000 on thirty drone contracts during this time. That is enough money to pay a year’s salary to 98,625 public school teachers [.pdf]. War is indeed a racket.

AECOM (URS) received $33,735,531 to provide ISR support to USCENTCOM. Increasingly, war corporations are operating the drones in addition to providing the relevant maintenance and support equipment. [READ MORE]

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