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Mark Zuckerberg has nothing to fear during testimony, because he owns 85% of House Committee members

8-4-2018 < SGT Report 57 634 words

by Alex Chrsitoforou, The Duran:

Facebook donated tons of cash to House Committee members who will “question” Mark Zuckerberg next week.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has nothing to worry about from his upcoming “testimony” to a US House Committee, because those questioning the Facebook CEO have been bought and paid for by Facebook.

According to Roll Call, here are all the members of Congress who listed Facebook holdings in their 2016 financial disclosures, along with the minimum worth of their stocks and of any capital gains or dividends.

Rep. Joyce Beatty — $15,001 / $5,001 dividends
Rep. Steve Chabot — $15,001
Rep. James R. Comer — $1,001
Rep. K. Michael Conaway — $0* / $2,501 capital gains
Rep. Carlos Curbelo — $1,001
Rep. Mike Gallagher — $0*
Rep. John Garamendi — $1,001
Rep. Josh Gottheimer — $16,002
Sen. John Hoeven — $50,001
Rep. Mike Kelly — $15,001
Rep. Joseph P. Kennedy III — $81,004
Rep. Ro Khanna — $2,002
Rep. Jim Langevin — $115,002 / $5,001 capital gains
Rep. Brenda Lawrence — $15,001
Rep. Alan Lowenthal — $15,001
Rep. Roger Marshall — $0* / $1 capital gains
Rep. Michael McCaul — $1,000,002 / $30,002 capital gains
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi — $500,001
Rep. James B. Renacci — $150,002 / $5,001 capital gains
Sen. Pat Roberts — $1,001 / $201 capital gains
Rep. Tom Rooney — $15,001
Rep. Francis Rooney — $1,001
Rep. Brad Schneider — $200,002
Rep. Kurt Schrader — $15,001
Rep. Lamar Smith — $1,001 / $1 capital gains
Rep. Tom Suozzi — $15,001
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse — $31,003
Rep. John Yarmuth — $1,001

Zerohedge reports…

Facebook and affiliated political groups have donated heavily to members of two committees set to interview CEO Mark Zuckerberg next week, according to analysis from the Center for Responsive Politics via USA Today.

Since 2007, the social media giant has contributed a cumulative $381,000 to 46 of the 55 members on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, which will hear from Zuckerberg on Wednesday.

While the average committee member received between $6,750 and $6,800, Committee Chair Greg Walden (R-OR) received $27,000, and top ranking Democrat Frank Pallone of New Jersey received $7,000 from Facebook.

Rep. Anna Eschoo (D-CA), whose district is adjacent to Facebook headquarters and home to many Facebook employees, received the most from Facebook at $55,150 since 2007. Eschoo narrowly lost a battle with Pallone for ranking Democrat position on the committee in the 2014 election.

Walden and Pallone announced Zuckerberg’s appearance on Wednesday to testify on “critical consumer data privacy issues.”

“This hearing will be an important opportunity to shed light on critical consumer data privacy issues and help all Americans better understand what happens to their personal information online,” Messrs. Walden and Pallone said in a Wednesday statement. “We appreciate Mr. Zuckerberg’s willingness to testify before the committee, and we look forward to him answering our questions on April 11th.” (also, thanks for all that money Zuck! We’ll be sure to put the softballs on a plastic “T” for you)

A Roll Call report reveals that two Democrats on the House Energy and Commerce Committee have nearly $100,000 invested in shares of Facebook, with Democratic Reps. Joe Kennedy of MA and Kurt Schrader of OR owning approximately $80,000 and $15,000 respectively.

Twenty-eight members listed stock in the social media giant, according to Roll Call’s Wealth of Congress project. Among them, Democratic Reps. Kurt Schrader of Oregon and Joseph P. Kennedy III of Massachusetts sit on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, while Democratic Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island sits on Senate Judiciary.

Both panels, along with Senate Commerce, invited Zuckerberg to appear before them after reports that Cambridge Analytica, a British big data firm, obtained access to private information of millions of Facebook users under questionable circumstances. Cambridge Analytica reportedly incorporated the data in ad-targeting tools used by political campaigns including President Donald Trump’s winning 2016 bid.

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