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Info that Novichok was produced by Czechs is ‘crushing blow’ to London’s theory – Russian Senator

3-5-2018 < RT 61 215 words

The fact that the nerve agent used to poison a Russian ex-spy and his daughter was being produced in the Czech Republic deals a “powerful blow” to the UK claims about Russia being behind the incident, a Russian Senator has said.

“Novichok was produced and stored in the Czech territory in some small quantities. This fact is a crushing blow to London’s theory that is already falling apart at the seams,” Russian Senator Aleksey Pushkov said in a Twitter post, commenting on the recent revelations made by the Czech President Milos Zeman. “London is confused: Its whole construct is crumbling,” the Russian politician added.

READ MORE: We get impression UK govt is deliberately destroying evidence in Skripal case – Russian Ambassador

