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Trump Expected To Fire Rod Rosenstein ‘Very Shortly’

23-5-2018 < No Fake News 65 187 words
Trump prepares to fire traitor Rod Rosenstein

President Trump is preparing to fire traitorous Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein “very shortly”, according to Steve Bannon. 

“[Rosenstein] either … is going to take the direct order of the president of the United States or I think Rosenstein will be fired,” Bannon said in an interview with the BBC. reports: Rosenstein asked the Justice Department’s inspector general on Sunday to review whether Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign was surveilled for political purposes by the FBI after Trump demanded an investigation via tweet.

The Justice Department has faced increasing pressure from Trump over special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, especially after it was revealed that the FBI had an informant in contact with members of Trump’s campaign.

Bannon also said Trump should respond to Mueller’s questions in writing, but not in person. Bannon, however, praised Mueller as an “honorable guy.”
