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Cop Arrested for Recording Himself and Fellow Cop Horrifically Beating Innocent Man in Wheelchair

1-6-2018 < SGT Report 91 501 words

by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project:

A New Jersey cop was arrested this week for partaking in the horrific beating of a mentally ill man in a wheelchair and filming it for his personal use.

Paterson, NJ — The Patterson Police Department in New Jersey is making headlines this week after their fourth officer in only two months has been arrested by federal agents. Officer Roger Then, 29, was arrested on Wednesday for participating in the beating of a mentally ill man in a wheelchair — and making a video to remember it.

The person in the wheelchair was a patient at a hospital. He had committed no crime and had called authorities for help because he felt suicidal. However, once he got to the hospital, help was the last thing he received. Instead, he received a horrific beating at the hands of the two responding officers.

Officer Then and his partner, known only as Police Officer 1 in the complaint, proceeded to beat their wheelchair-bound victim so horrifically that he required surgery to save his eyeball.

The incident was captured on hospital surveillance footage as well as Then’s own cellphone. According to prosecutors, Then is accused of making a video of the beating with his phone and hiding it from the report and the department.

According to the complaint:

On March 5, 2018, Then and another Paterson police officer – identified in the complaint as “Police Officer 1” – responded to a call from an attempted suicide victim. Then and Police Officer 1 met the victim at St. Joseph’s Medical Center in Paterson.

In the hospital surveillance footage, the victim, while in a wheelchair, appears to throw an object down the hall. Afterwards, Police Officer 1 pushes the wheelchair and punches the victim in the face. As the victim falls, Then grabs him by the back of the neck and pushes him to the ground.

In the second video, which was allegedly taken by Then using his cellphone, the victim is on his back in a hospital bed. After the victim verbally insults Police Officer 1, Police Officer 1 puts on a pair of hospital gloves and violently strikes the victim twice across the face. Police Officer 1 then stands over the victim and says, “I ain’t fucking playing with you.”

Then and Police Officer 1 filed a police report in connection with the events of March 5, 2018. The police report did not mention that Police Officer 1 punched the victim or that Then grabbed the victim by the neck and pushed him towards the ground, as captured in the first video. The police report also did not mention that Police Officer 1 violently struck the victim in a hospital room, as depicted in the second video.

As a result of these assaults, the victim suffered multiple injuries to his face, including the eye injury that required surgery.

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