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Worth How Much? FIFA World Cup Trophy Is Beautiful Plus It’s Made With Lots Of 18K Gold

13-6-2018 < SGT Report 594 266 words

from Silver Doctors:

Some trophies are worth a lot of fiat currency, but the FIFA World Cup trophy is on an entirely different level. Here’s the details…

So the 2018 FIFA World Cup gets underway in Russia this week.

Team U.S.A will not be competing, having been eliminated by Trinidad & Tobago last October.

Granted, that’s probably a good thing, you know, with all the Russian spying, hacking, collusion, and all the other evil things that Russia does that forces our Treasury Department to levy sanctions on Russia so much so that we can’t even keep up.

Oh wait, we can keep up.

The latest sanctions on Russia took place just yesterday.

But I digress.

Back on track.

This is an article about gold, not geo-politics.

The main prize in the FIFA World Cup, other than having the best national soccer team for four years, is this gold trophy:

Here’s a list of the 32 teams that made the cut and will be battling for the prize this year:

What is cool about the trophy is that it’s the real deal.

It’s not like those Olympic gold medals that are mostly silver with some gold plating.


We’re talking gold here, and lots of it.

Granted, we’re talking about one trophy that makes the rounds, so it’s not like there are a ton of them made (kind of like how there’s just one Stanley Cup).

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