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US security chief plans to visit Moscow for talks on possible Putin-Trump meeting – reports

21-6-2018 < RT 51 141 words

US national security adviser John Bolton plans to visit Moscow next week to prepare for a possible meeting between US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, media reports said Thursday, citing sources. On Tuesday, the Kremlin said there were no plans for a meeting of the Russian and US leaders before the NATO summit in Brussels held on July 11-12. However, on June 14 TASS quoted Richard Hooker, special assistant to the president and senior director for Europe and Russia in the US National Security Council, as saying that Moscow and Washington are exploring the opportunity of a meeting between Trump and Putin. “I don’t think any decisions have been made, or details have been worked out,” the officials added. The Austrian capital Vienna was mentioned in recent reports as one of possible venues for the summit.
