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Flying suitcase v old TV set: Instagram roars with laughter over video of satellite passing ISS

21-6-2018 < RT 68 182 words

You can see many things from a window of the ISS – not just stunning sunrises and overviews of big cities by night. Russian cosmonaut Oleg Artemyev filmed a satellite casually flying by, causing a burst of comments online.

“A satellite flying by the ISS (International Space Station),” Artemyev wrote on Instagram, adding a photo of what looked like a Borg cube spaceship from Star Trek. The blocky object with solar panels can be seen against the backdrop of Earth’s blue oceans and white clouds.

People on Instagram took a closer look at the object, probably looking for familiar traits. The result was a whole shower of suggestions, comparing it to “a washing machine,” “a granny’s chest!” and “a flying suitcase." "An old TV set” and “a radio receiver” were also among the suggestions. 

Some also didn’t miss a chance to sarcastically address so-called ‘flat-Earthers,’ who claim that Earth is flat. “’Flat-Earthers,’ where are you?” one person asked, apparently calling the doubters to look at the picture of our round planet.

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