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Texas Billboard Tells Liberals To Keep Driving Until They’ve Left The State

21-6-2018 < No Fake News 418 152 words

A billboard in the Texas panhandle has sparked uproar on social media because its message urged liberal motorists to keep driving until they had left the state.

“Liberals please continue on I-40 until you have left our GREAT STATE OF TEXAS,” the sign reads, according to a photo taken by driver, Kyle Mccallie

However, Burkett Outdoor Advertising, the company that owns the sign, have said that the sign would be taken down after all the attention it received, much of which was negative.

RT reports: An amused driver took a photo of the billboard on Tuesday and posted it to Facebook. The photo has sparked thousands of social media shares and comments, prompting local and national media coverage.

“Great billboard. Nothing offensive just giving driving directions
