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16 shots in 40 minutes: Restaurant fined for ‘dumping’ passed-out patrons on street

9-7-2018 < RT 71 323 words

An Aussie restaurant ‘dumped’ two unconscious female patrons on the street after serving each of them eight shots of alcohol in a 40-minute period. It has been fined for one of “the worst breaches of liquor laws” in the state.

Gangnam Station Korean restaurant in Sydney’s CBD (Central Business District) was fined $2,200 by police and sanctioned by the Independent Liquor & Gaming Authority (ILGA) for permitting intoxication.

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According to a report by the ILGA, three women entered the Korean BBQ on a November evening last year and ordered shots of soju – a popular Korean spirit with about 20 percent alcohol by volume.

Within 40 minutes the group had consumed two bottles of soju which were collected from the table by a waitress. Despite witnessing two of the women swaying side to side and struggling to sit upright, the waitress returned with a third bottle.

Some minutes later two of the women collapsed and lay unconscious as they were removed from the premises by staff and other diners.

One of the women was vomiting as she was being carried out and dumped on the footpath, according to the report. Police later came upon the passed-out women and called an ambulance.

“It’s hard to imagine a worse case of a venue failing in its obligations to prevent misuse and abuse of alcohol,” Director of Compliance Operations Sean Goodchild said.

The authority is taking further action given the venue’s “blatant disregard for the health and safety of patrons and responsible service of alcohol requirements.” This includes a number of sanctions, among them the condition of employing a security guard trained in the Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) to be on site from 8pm.

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