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Clintons Caught Flying Commercial, Reading Book About Child Rape

9-7-2018 < No Fake News 90 371 words
Clintons caught flying commercial, reading book about child rape

Bill and Hillary Clinton were filmed recently on board a commercial flight without any security detail, reading a book about child abuse. 

This weekend, the former president and former secretary of state boarded a commercial flight at the Delta terminal at Reagan International Airport inWashington, DC. reports: It is unknown why Bill and Hillary were flying commercial, but the video of the Clintons on a commercial flight quickly went viral on social media and created a lot of buzz as to why the elite political family chose to fly among average Americans and “deplorables” instead of chartering a private plane as they usually do.

Two separate videos of the Clintons were posted by unknown passengers. The first video was filmed near the ticket counter at the Delta terminal at gate 20 in Washington DC.

In the video, Hillary can be seen standing in the corner with two men, avoiding all possible interaction with other passengers, while Bill is standing next to the ticket counter taking a selfie with a young boy.

In the second video, which appears to be filmed by a different passenger, Bill and Hillary Clinton can be seen sitting in their seats on a commercial flight without any security detail.

Hillary is wearing sunglasses on the plane avoiding eye contact with passengers, while Bill can be seen ready a copy of “Crimson Lake”, a book about the sexual assault and abduction of an underage girl.
