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An Analysis of Trump’s “Grave Mistake” In the Post-Putin Meeting Speech

17-7-2018 < The Common Sense Show 68 698 words

President Trump held a two-hour meeting with Putin on Monday and the Deep State representatives from both sides of aisle, both Democrat and Republican, wasted no time attacking Trump for siding with Russia.

The political minions that represent the Deep State are having a field day with the President’s speech following his meeting with Putin.

President Trump’s Most “Infamous” Quote:

“I hold both countries responsible. I think that the United States has been foolish. I think we’ve all been foolish. … And I think we’re all to blame.”

This is a line that will live in infamy. Trump, asked directly, “Do you hold Russia at all accountable for anything in particular,” responded with this there’s-plenty-of-blame-to-go-around response. It’s a stunning response to what should be a very straightforward answer: Yes, I believe our intelligence community and the Senate Intelligence Committee that Russia actively meddled in the election to help me, hurt Clinton and sow chaos. It’s hard to properly contextualize what it means when the American president, standing beside the Russian president, says that he can’t say whether Putin or the US intelligence apparatus is to be believed.

CSS Response to CNN

It is interesting to note that if Trump does not stick to the official narrative of CNN (ie Yes, I believe our intelligence community and the Senate Intelligence Committee that Russia actively meddled in the election to help me, hurt Clinton and sow chaos.), then the President is compromised and is “still colluding with the Russians.

I find it naive that the Russians would not attempt to influence the election. In debate #2 in the Presidential campaign, Hillary Clinton stated that she would institute a “no fly zone” for Russia in Syria. It was clear that Clinton intended on shooting down Russian planes and starting World War III. How would the Russians NOT want Clinton defeated after a statement like that. However, there is absolutely no proof of Russian collusion, for if there was, we would be seeing the evidence, presented incessantly on CNN. Since there is no evidence, it is clear that Trump was correct in taking the high road with Putin. CNN tried to reduce Trump’s non-condemnation statements of Russian collusion as a sign of support. Go back and and look at the Trump quote, he is saying there is no proof. However, the propaganda machine at CNN attempted to falsely cast this as a case of American intelligence, who has stated there is proof of Russian collusion, versus the word of Putin. If American intelligence has the proof of Russian collusion, then let’s see the evidence that has not been forthcoming. Please allow me to take a moment and discuss the reputation of American intelligence:

FBI– The current scandals of the FBI, which are under investigation by Congress, demonstrate how low the FBI has sunk. This is a most scandalous time for any law enforcement agency since the inception of our country. Strzok stands as a direct testament to that accuracy of that statement.

CIA-Are you kidding me. I would rather trust Charles Mansion that certain elements of the CIA. Where do you want to start? Iran-Contra? The 63 documented incidences of election tampering since the creation of the CIA since 1947 (Nobody seems to be worried  about that, only the alleged Russian collusion.)?

NSA– This is another are you kidding me… The NSA has helped to dismantle our Constitution. Their warrant-less spying has created an unconstitutional enemies of the state list. The NSA has obliterated the 4th Amendment.

Are these some of the intelligence agencies that CNN says that Trump is forsaking in favor of Putin’s word? In reality, both entities are not to be trusted.

In part two, I am going to explore more content related to the speech. But most importantly, I am going to examine where Russia and America go from here. This was a landmark meeting and this could have planetary implications.
