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The [[[[Hunters]]]] Become the Hunted! #NewQ #QAnon #GreatAwakening #Haiti #NBC

15-8-2018 < SGT Report 309 4070 words

from Neon Revolt:

Note to the reader: posts 1860 until 1864 are all review. They’re for the newbies. If you’re not new, and want to get into the meatier stuff right way, click here.

Second note to the reader: this is not the the article I promised on Gab. That’s still coming. But Q dropped a TON of things tonight, so I have to cover that first.

So… for the newbies:

Forget everything you know. The level of evil out there is almost incomprehensible. People you think you “know” as good people, are anything but:

NBC is in panic mode – and we talked quite a bit about this not that long ago, but they’ve actually hired Media Matters to comb through all their people’s accounts and delete “questionable content.”

Newbies – Look in to Epstein’s island, please. I have numerous articles about this den of depravity on this site:

Here’s where you can start:

Epstein’s Island Digs – #Pizzagate #Pedogate #QAnon #GreatAwakening

This post is going to explore some of the research conducted by various #Anons in regards to convicted Pedophile Jeffery Epstein’s island. Epstein’s Island, you’ll remember, is wh…


Epstein’s Island Tunnels. #Pizzagate #Pedogate #TheCabal #HRCVideo #QAnon #GreatAwakening

An absolutely brilliant #Anon went digging through USGS topographical data to try and sort out the most likely areas where #JeffreyEpstein would build his tunnels, and compiled a ton of helpful ima…


D-Room. DINING ROOMS. HRC + + +  +  + + + + +  Unlocked? #QAnon #GreatAwakening

Guys, I have a heavy heart from all this. The connection has been made. Guess who made it. WARNING: What comes is… is pure evil. You will not be able to unknow, or unsee. I can’t stress…


AntiFa are degenerate commies being exploited as foot-soldiers by the Left.

Look at the recent “Unite-the-Right” rally… where no one but AntiFa showed up.

What did they do?

They proceeded to trash the place anyway.

But, this is cool.  You get a #QConfirmation out of this drop:

Full Size:

I also noted, in a small article yesterday, that CNN violated the law when they aided domestic terrorist group Antifa by offering them “material support” by way of their media coverage:

#CNN aids Domestic Terrorist Group AntiFa. #FakeNews

#CNN aids Domestic Terrorist Group AntiFa. #FakeNews

CNN is backing AntiFa now. No surprise there. But they probably didn’t realize they’d be violating federal law by aiding a domestic terrorist group: U.S. Code § 2339A (1) the term “mate…


Yup, major double-standard.

The Left doesn’t fight fair.

Stop expecting them to.

Now who could have seen such a turn in events!? Hmmm, I wonder…

Okay with that out of the way…

Let’s get into the New Stuff!

Reminder that Alex Jones have lots of CIA and Stratfor connections.

Jones plays the role of what a “Conspiracy Theorist” is supposed to look like. It was even stated by his lawyers in his recent divorce case: he’s not actually crazy – this is just a character he plays.

Although… Q, I think you’re forgetting something potentially YUUUUGE:

NBC actually first started fighting back first after #BlackListAnon dropped some YUUUGE intel on NBC News President Noah Oppenheim.

Here’s a sampling:

There was quite a bit about NBC in those BlackListAnon drops (most of which can be found in this Imgur album), but the very next day, NBC dropped their first Anti-Q article:

Like the fringe conspiracy theory Qanon? There’s plenty of merch for sale on Amazon

Shoppers are presented with over 1,000 results when they search Amazon for the term “Qanon.”


And then BlackListAnon came back with more:

Don’t get me wrong; I’m not trying to take credit away from QAnon and everything QTeam is doing. And I’m very glad NBC is being targeted by QTeam. But NBC wrote that first article the day after those drops came out.

This reads like Trump already knew about the spying before Admiral Rogers came to him and officially blew the whistle.

This would imply that Trump Team was feeding bad actors bad intel the whole time. They hesitated when told, when you think they would clear out immediately. They also didn’t make a huge deal of it at the time. They just… shifted operations.

So one would suspect that even Admiral Rogers’ disclosure was pre-planned, on some kind of schedule. He would take the “bullet” in the view of the public, deal with years of legal trouble and losing his HOME as a result, in order to make sure this all came to light in an official capacity.

Thank you, Admiral Rogers!

Reaction Gifs take up a lot of server processing power.

Sometimes, it’s worth it:

That said, one Anon thought he spotted a coded message in Q’s drop:

And almost immediately, the site went down:

It soon came back online, however.

Okay, now this is interesting…

We talked about that DOJ plane in Little Rock loading up those boxes just a short while ago in this article:

Anatomy of a Democratic Conspiracy – #NewQ #QAnon #GreatAwakening

Q’s back! And I’m happy to say the archive at  just fine, updating with the posts and all. It’s a little slow – but hey, it works in a pinch! Gotta cover an older Qdrop firs…


Q is telling us that had nothing to do with the Clinton Foundation… which is a surprising twist.

So what was the DOJ doing, loading boxes of (presumably) evidence, down in Little Rock?

Remember the Sky King?

How could you forget?

The Mystery of the SKY KING and Bill Maher’s #OpenSecret… #NewQ #QAnon #GreatAwakening #Pizzagate #Pedogate

Just a little housekeeping before we get into it: Some of you have noticed that when I pushed out notifications for new articles, my site will be down, and the articles inaccessible. There’s …


Q here confirms that the #SkyKing event was indeed a white hat event, as I heavily suspected given everything we had. And he fills in some of the blank spaces we had in our story.

And I did suspect some kind of Surface-to-Air Missile site (SAM, for those who read the original story).

So… this prompted me to go on a dig… And boy, did I dig up some interesting things:

So yeah, this guy has that whooooole island to himself:

The island was owned by a group of investors who shipped a ton of exotic animals to the island, for hunting purposes. (Which immediately screamed old money, and things like the Rothschilds Black Forest Bavarian estate)

(Note: This article was written in 94, before he purchased the island in 97).

Here’s that map, just to help you visualize how my theory played out. (Note: Locations are approximate).

And the icing on the cake is this guy’s connection to Fiji. Come on! Not one, but TWO islands?

Guy has to be Cabal-connected.

One Anon responded:

Here’s the video he links:

And here was my response:

Personally, I think this is a really strong lead – but I’m totally open to it being another island.

There was heavy speculation that it could also be Allen Island, which was previously owned my billionaire Microsoft-cofounder Paul Allen, which is riiiiiight here:

Not too far away from Spieden island, actually. But it is closer to the area the webcam would have seen that launch from:

There’s also the guy who owns that island now – Eric C. Anderson. He’s the chairman of Space Adventures Ltd… So yeah, you’ve got a possible rocket connection there, too.

So I’m thinking it’s got to be one of the two.

It’s also entirely possible that BOTH islands are Cabal-affiliated – albeit in different ways. We’ll leave it to Q to verify.

The things I still don’t understand:

  • Why the plane crashed.

  • Why the plane crashed where it did.

  • The significance of Ketron Island (if any).

  • The reports by the media that a body was found in the wreckage…

…You NSA guys just have extra bodies lying around now, do you?

I mean, I know you’re called spooks for a reason…

But that’s extra spooky.

Moving on:

Q responds to this post by an #Anon, who responded to Q’s post about the DOJ plane:

Anon has a pretty good line-by-line here. He didn’t differentiate with > though, but I know you’re smart enough to parse it out and follow along at home:

But yeah, Q… I saw it.

Message received. Many newbies onboarding.

I’ll keep the whining to a minimum.

Mossad again. They’re at the top. Q has previously talked about the 4AM SecureDrop system they have, but that was CIA, if I remember correctly.

So… is Q confirming that the CIA is controlled by Mossad?

The thing that might surprise some, however, is how not just the media, but the Alt-media is controlled. Outlets like Infowars?

You better believe it.

Ezra Levant’s Rebel Media?

Yeah, controlled.

This is the Hegelian Dialectic in action, folks. The elites control the Thesis and the Antithesis – in order to get everyone to arrive at a predetermined Synthesis – their true goal all along.

As for those dots, if you’re counting, you have 23 on the left and 25 on the right.

I’m not sure of the significance yet (if there is any).

And when I see “AffiliateA>>AffiliateB>>Etc” I think of news station affiliates, scattered across the country… all getting their marching orders from the central HQ.

Anon has a good thought on the 1:1:1:1 line, too:

Q references the post where they tried to blame the airplane explosions on Q:

The #Booms keep Coming! #NewQ #QAnon #GreatAwakening

I held off on this #QAnon post for a bit, today, because I wanted to let things play out a bit. Now, I think I have a clearer picture of all the happenings going on. Let’s start: Rosenstein m…


So now, they’re trying to pin the fires THEY STARTED on QAnon.


Hoover-Dam guy was a false Q follower, too. Remember, the one who stopped traffic and demanded the release of the OIG report?

Laura Loomer on Twitter

“WATCH EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: A man barricaded himself inside an armored vehicle yesterday on the #HooverDam with notes for “Mr. President”, demanding that Trump release the OIG Report and lock people up. This is cell phone video he filmed himself while barricaded inside his truck.”


And I’m just realizing who this “exclusive video” was posted by…

None other than Rebel Media contributor Laura Loomer!

You might remember the stunt she pulled at Shakespeare in the Park, with fellow Rebel Media contributor, Jack Posobiec:

You know – the attention-whoring, I mean, the attention-grabbing stunt they organized. The one where they had donation-sites ready to go for beforehand.

Yes, America – here is your controlled opposi- I mean, modern Millennial voice of Conservatism:

You’ll also recall Jack Posobiec, who now works for One American News Network, was working all last week… on debunking Q! So much so that The Daily Beast took notice!

Trump’s Allies Struggle to Stop QAnon’s Spread

Fearing the left will turn the conspiracy theory against them, the president’s cheerleaders try to talk sense into the grassroots. It’s not working.


The internal GOP pushback even included an attempt to debunk Q. Jack Posobiec, a reporter for the conservative One American News Network, claimed without much evidence that he had found the originator of QAnon and was working on a piece “debunking” the whole conspiracy theory. Like Flynn, Posobiec was soon awash in hundreds of disappointed QAnon believers accusing him of being part of a deep-state plot.

Q is right when he says [Fake MAGA]. I think that definitely applied to folks like Loomer and Posobiec.

Hmmm… No word on what this stringer means yet.

Maybe it will be disclosed in time.

1873 had two Q’s at the end.

Just a typo, according to Q.

Wait… “Play dates?”


So Google were the ones providing the technical know-how for not just Obama and Hillary and those types – but ALL of the Deep State, world-wide.

That’s insidious!

And, read the Qdrop, they used these Google channels for everything they wanted to hide.

And notice how Q puts ‘elected’ in quotation marks.

The XKeyscore and PRISM tools, spying tools built by the NSA, were kept from these people because white hats were actively trying to surveil them. When the existence of these programs was suddenly exposed by Edward Snowden, it set the NSA back… well… I want to say at least one Obama term.

Think about it = Obama might have been OUT after ONE TERM, but for Snowden. Gah!


This should be common knowledge by now, though. We’ve talked about this kind of thing a lot, and so has Q. These tech companies are NOT your friends. They’re intrusive oligarchs.

And I’ll just say this: If you’re a parent – make sure your kids don’t have Snapchat or anything like that. Those apps are complete honeypots, full of degenerate material. Make sure your kids aren’t using them.

Woman arrested at 'extremist Muslim' New Mexico compound moved to federal custody, sheriff says

Jany Leveille, one of the five suspects arrested at the extremist Muslim compound in northern New Mexico, has been transferred to the custody of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), Taos County Sheriff Jerry Hogrefe said Tuesday.


You all have heard this bit of news by now. There was an Islamic compound raided in New Mexico, where they were training a number of children to become school shooters.

Buried under the compound were the remains of a three-year-old boy, which the article acknowledges when it says:

3-year-old Abdul-ghani Wahhaj, who had been missing since December, allegedly died amid a ritualistic religious ceremony held on the grounds in an effort to “cast out demonic spirits,” Reuters reported.

“It was a religious ritual carried out… a ritual intended to cast out demonic spirits from Abdul-ghani Wahhaj,” Taos County Prosecutor John Lovelace said.

Public defenders argued the boy’s father was trying to heal the child by reading passages from the Koran but prosecutors claimed he was denying the boy medication. One of the children taken into custody claimed that the boy had died in February.

The children said they were told the boy would be resurrected as Jesus and guide them on which “corrupt institutions” to attack, NBC reported citing investigators.

Q highlights the judge in this case, Sarah Backus:

Jany Leveille, one of the five suspects arrested at the “extremist Muslim” compound in northern New Mexico, has been transferred to the custody of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), Taos County Sheriff Jerry Hogrefe said Tuesday.

News of Leveille’s transfer comes a day after a judge ruled against the request of prosecutors to keep the five suspects imprisoned. Judge Sarah Backus said although she was concerned by “troubling facts,” prosecutors failed to articulate any specific threats to the community.

Why is this judge allowing the transfer of this particular individual – and the release of the others on bail?

Remember what Q said about the border states: they’re special cases.

Remember how difficult it was for this raid to even occur in the first place. Cops couldn’t get a warrant for the longest time, and the owners of the land couldn’t kick these people off their land (the Islamists were squatting on the property).

Make no mistake: this is a real-life terror cell, not a homestead – with familiar connections to a World Trade Center Co-conspirator.

These people are being protected by higher-ups looking to cause chaos.

Hmmm… Maybe I’ll have someone really qualified I know step in and do a feature about the way these Muslim compounds have cropped up, all around the nation. Most don’t even know they’re there. Once you see the full extent – you’ll gain a deeper appreciation for Q when he talks about infiltration by the Muslim Brotherhood.

Stunning findings on report of Catholic Church abuse: Pa. priests molested more than 1,000 children

Hundreds of priests were said to have molested more than 1,000 children — and possibly many more — since the 1940s, and senior church officials, including a man who is now the archbishop of Washington, D.C., allegedly covered up the abuse, according to a grand jury report released Tuesday.


This is heart-rending stuff.

A few years back, when this stuff was starting to bubble up to the surface, it was waved away as isolated cases. Q is telling us it’s anything but. It’s systematic.

Are there good Catholics? Sure. Just like there are good Orthodox, and good Protestants.

My hope is that Christians of all stripes will re-unify into one true church, a church that actually loves each other and serves God, instead of some sick Cabal.
