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US sanctions scare Total out of Iran despite Brussels ‘protection’ pledge

20-8-2018 < RT 50 361 words

French energy major Total is leaving Iran, the country’s oil minister announced on Monday. The firm pulled out of a multibillion-dollar gas development deal clinched after sanctions against Tehran were lifted.

“Total has officially left the agreement for the development of phase 11 of South Pars (gas field). It has been more than two months that it announced that it would leave the contract,” Iran Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh said, as quoted by the government-run ICANA news agency.

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Brussels has no muscle to protect European firms in Iran from US penalties, analyst tells RT

Total’s departure was triggered by Washington’s reinstatement of sanctions against Tehran, which also targets any foreign firms doing business with the Islamic Republic. The US withdrew from the nuclear deal signed in 2015 between Iran and a group of nations including Russia, China and the European Union. As part of the agreement Iran vowed to limit its nuclear enrichment program and, in return, decades-long economic sanctions against Tehran were to be lifted.

The renewed US penalties, targeting the automobile sector along with gold and other metals trading, came into force on August 7. The second round of sanctions imposed by Washington is set to come into effect on November 4. The broader measures will target Iranian oil and shipping sectors, as well as transactions tied to energy trading and the country’s central bank.

Earlier this month, the EU officials pledged to protect the European companies doing business in Iran by enforcing the so-called Blocking Statute – a law of one jurisdiction that is designed to hinder application of a ruling made by a foreign jurisdiction. Brussels said that despite US sanctions, European firms would continue working in Iran under the protection of the EU.

The announcement by Brussels failed to assure major European firms. Apart from Total, shipping giant Maersk announced it would no longer transport Iranian energy products. Vehicle manufacturers Peugeot said they would leave the Islamic Republic, while Daimler halted expanding its business in the country.

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