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What about his Italian? Jamie Oliver accused of ‘cultural appropriation’ over Jamaican jerk rice

22-8-2018 < RT 49 669 words

After Jamie Oliver was accused of cultural appropriation by a Labour MP over his ‘Punchy Jerk Rice’ product, supporters leapt to his defence, one man admitting he cooked a ‘Lancashire hotpot’ despite not hailing from Lancashire.

TV chef Oliver, famous for his documentary series highlighting the poor nutritional value of British school dinners, was probably hoping that his microwavable jerk rice would go down a treat with the general public.

But Labour MP Dawn Butler led a salvo of outrage against the TV chef by accusing him of appropriating Jamaican culture in his new business venture. She also asked if he really knew about traditional Jamaican jerk, which is a cooking style where meat is rubbed and marinated with a mixture of spices.

“I’m just wondering do you know what Jamaican jerk actually is? It's not just a word you put before stuff to sell products. Your jerk rice is not okay. This appropriation from Jamaica needs to stop,” Butler tweeted.

Not everyone was upset, however, with many Twitter users backing the chef to experiment and take inspiration from other cultures. Meanwhile others poked fun at Butler’s outrage, with comedian Jonathan Pie sarcastically declaring Oliver a “racist” for making boil-in-the-bag rice.

One man sarcastically admitted to similar appropriation by saying he had cooked a Lancashire dish despite being from Kent.

Conservative Party MP Neil O’Brien also aimed a sardonic jab at his Labour rival by suggesting that Butler would be really mad once she found out about the chef’s recipe book about Italian food. Others suggested that Oliver should be prevented from cooking his famous Italian dishes given that he is from Clavering, Essex.
