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Greek PM Tsipras prepares to promise economic relief after years of bailout austerity – report

7-9-2018 < RT 50 132 words

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is expected to announce on Saturday some economic relief for Greeks. The country emerged from its third international bailout last month after eight years of strict supervision by its eurozone partners and the International Monetary Fund. At the annual trade fair in the northern city of Thessaloniki, Tsipras will indicate the beneficiaries of this year’s fiscal outperformance, which the government puts at €800 million ($931.28 million). He is also expected to outline his medium-term economic policy, with tax cuts and lower social security contributions for some groups, while also promising to continue structural reforms and remain fiscally prudent, Reuters said. Outside the venue, unions have planned rallies to demand a reversal of bailout reforms, which they say have hurt workers rights and plunged Greeks into poverty.
