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Final frontier: Russia & India sign space memorandum

5-10-2018 < RT 43 191 words

A deal for space cooperation signed on Friday between Russia and India concerns a manned space program and the development of cooperation in the sphere of navigation systems, Roscosmos head Dmitry Rogozin told journalists.

The contract is the first of several expected to be signed between Russia and India during President Vladimir Putin’s two-day visit to India.

READ MORE: Signing S-400 deal & defying US: Putin heads to New Delhi to meet Indian PM

New Delhi also asked Moscow for help with its own space launch project in 2022, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Yury Borisov said on Friday. “The Indian side has approached us with a request on the implementation of its own project ensuring the launch of an Indian astronaut to space in 2022,” Borisov told reporters. 

President Putin and Indian PM Narendra Modi are set to sign over 20 documents in all. Yet all eyes are on the expected S-400 Triumf deal. India agreed to buy the most sophisticated Russian air defense system available on the market for more than $5 billion.

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