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Leland Keyser Issues Statement In First Public Appearance – : “DID NOT Corroborate Ford’s Story,” “Completely Blindsided,” “Ford Threw Her Under the Bus”

5-10-2018 < SGT Report 156 740 words

by Pamela Geller, Freedom OutPost:

A family member close to Keyser, 52, said: “Christine didn’t give her so much as a heads up – as far as I know they haven’t really spoken for several years and they’re certainly not close anymore.”

Christine Blasey Ford named Leland Keyser as her number one corroborating witness of the “sexual assault” charge close to 40 years ago, while they were both in high school, that she flung at Honorable Judge Brett Kavanaugh. There is no evidence, no witnesses (even though this act of horseplay took place at a party). Ford isn’t sure where it was, when it was, how she got there, how she got home, or why she never spoke of Kavanaugh for 40 years.

Ford named her then-best friend Leland Keyser as a witness. Leland Keyser was “completely blindsided” and left “reeling.” Ford “….. just reached for a name.”

A close relative of Leland’s expressed anger at Ford’s suggestion that Keyser could not recall the party because of “significant health challenges.”


Keyser, 52, whom Ford described as her ‘best friend’ at Holton-Arms preparatory school in Bethesda, Maryland, was her final hope for corroboration

  • However, the former pro golfer couldn’t corroborate Ford’s story when she was interviewed by the FBI on Saturday

  • Pictured in DailyMailTV exclusive photos for the first time since news Ford named her, Keyser showed the stress of being put into the national spotlight

  • The close relative expressed anger at Ford’s suggestion that Keyser could not recall the party because of the ‘significant health challenges’

  • The ‘health challenges’ have not impaired her memory but being caught up in the Kavanaugh scandal has proved physically trying

  • The relative said: ‘Leland is not a well woman. She has had years of injuries that have seen her have 14 operations. She just wants to get better’

By Laura Collins In Silver Springs, Maryland For, 4 October 2018:

Christine Ford’s high school friend, Leland Keyser, was ‘completely blindsided’ and left ‘reeling’ when the woman accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of attempted rape named her as a corroborating witness.

Speaking exclusively to DailyMailTV a family member close to Keyser, 52, said: “Christine didn’t give her so much as a heads up – as far as I know they haven’t really spoken for several years and they’re certainly not close anymore.”

‘Leland was completely blindsided by her name being thrown into it all. The first thing she knew about it was when she woke up on Thursday morning and her name was just everywhere. It was crazy.”

Keyser, 52, whom Ford described as her 'best friend' at Holton-Arms preparatory school in Bethesda, Maryland, was her final hope for corroboration. Pictured: Keyser (left) and Ford (right) in their 7th grade photo at Holton-Arms School in 1979

Pictured: Keyser (left) and Ford (right) in their 7th grade photo at Holton-Arms School in 1979

Keyser, 52, whom Ford described as her ‘best friend’ at Holton-Arms preparatory school in Bethesda, Maryland, was her final hope for corroboration.

The family member added: ‘It really felt a lot like Christine was the one called to the principal’s office to give an account of something and just threw her under the bus. You know, just reached for a name’.

The family member who asked not to be named explained: ‘She’s just trying to get through it and hoping for it all to die down.

‘It really felt a lot like Christine was the one called to the principal’s office to give an account of something and just threw her under the bus. You know, just reached for a name.’

Keyser’s attorney, Howard J Walsh III, last night confirmed that his client has spoken with the FBI and that when she did so she could not corroborate Ford’s account.

Instead she doubled down on the statements she has already given to the Senate Committee in which she has denied all knowledge of the supposed party, the alleged assault or of Kavanaugh, 53.

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