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Ex-UK Defence Secretary slammed after taking £75,000-a-year role with Saudi investing firm

23-10-2018 < RT 55 183 words

Disgraced former UK Defence Secretary Sir Michael Fallon has decided to take a £75,000-a-year job advising a firm with large investments Saudi Arabia, despite the alleged brutal killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

The Tory MP declared in the new register of MPs’ interests that he will work eight hours a month, BuzzFeed News reported. MP for Sevenoaks, Fallon has taken on the role despite widespread international condemnation for the Kingdom following the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

READ MORE: Strong evidence ‘vicious’ murder of Khashoggi was planned operation – Erdogan (VIDEO)

Following the news, Fallon was condemned on Twitter, with Stewart McDonald MP posting: “This stinks to high heaven,” while Labour-supporting accounts attacked the MP and his party by extension.
