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Russians not ready for large-scale possession of guns – security chief

23-10-2018 < RT 43 214 words

Russian society isn’t ready for large-scale possession of firearms, as people tend to use guns “without justification” in stressful situations, Russian National Guard Commander Viktor Zolotov said.

The National Guard is “opposed to the wide distribution of guns. Our society isn’t yet ready for this – both economically and psychologically,” Zolotov said as cited by RIA Novosti.

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In stressful situations, Russians often employ their firearms “without any justification,” he said, stressing the need to revise the laws for possession of guns.

Gun control has become a hot topic in Russia after a deadly shooting at a college in the Crimean city of Kerch last week.

Twenty-one people died and 70 suffered injuries as a student attacked classmates and teachers with an improvised explosive device and a shotgun he legally owned.

On Saturday, the National Guard proposed a draft law which would require gun owners to inform the agency whenever they travel with their weapon for more than three days.

According to current laws, the weapon must be registered to a single address where it should be stored in a safe.

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