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Phase One of the Red Dawn Invasion Has Commenced

23-10-2018 < The Common Sense Show 55 1428 words

The depiction here is true. However, the threat is much greater than adding to the number of future illegal voters who will eventually vote the Republic out of existence.Make no mistake about it, this is the first salvo from a Red Dawn strategic approach to taking America down. 

What does the future hold for a country that refuses to protect its citizens from foreign intrusion by criminal elements and foreign military assets? With our record setting declining American birthrates, and our omnipresent need for immigrants in order to maintain our labor force and our unfunded mandated liabilities (eg Medicare), America still needs to ask itself an important question. How many third world country immigrants can our country absorb until we are the next third world country?

America’s future may have been foretold in G. K. Chesterton’s, The Flying Inn (1914). The book provides present day Americans with an opportunity to understand what is happening to their loss of culture and of national sovereignty. The book consists of a “fictional” account of how England had been stripped of its cultural identity. The book was written at the end of the British imperialistic period of dominance in which England had collapsed under the sheer weight of attempting to maintain its vast empire.

In the book, Chesterton maintains that England lost far more than its preeminent position as the world’s sole super power. He postulated that England had lost its national soul through the unintended integration of its culture with more “barbaric cultures” that it had previously conquered. Today, in the midst of a massive immigration effort from the Middle East, England has lost its culture, religious identity and their foundations of law. The interlopers have more rights than its indigenous citizens. And now, this cultural genocide is beginning here in America.

The protagonist in The Flying Inn, Dalroy, proclaimed that great nations have frequently followed a similar pattern of progressive and complete self-destruction:

  1. The great nation declares victory over the barbarians.

  2. The great nation begins toenjoy the fruits of cheap labor by employing the barbarians that it had conquered.

  3. The barbarians become so enmeshed into the great nation, that an alliance with barbarians is formed (e.g., de facto amnesty including members of criminal organizations).

  4. Assimilation is followed with the barbarians becoming a privileged class.Thus, the great nation is conquered.

Near the end of the book, almost every virtuous cultural tradition, of the great nation, comes under sharp criticism, while every cultural tradition emanating from the barbarians’ place of origin became praiseworthy.

Certainly the relationship between the United States and various countries south of our border parallels Chesterton’s stunningly accurate prophecies by describing what has happened to present day America. Consider the following parallels which strikingly correspond to Dalroy’s view of how empires crumble:

  1. The United States fulfills its “Manifest Destiny” mandate by provoking and winning a war with Mexico in order to gain a southern railroad route to California.The great nation was victorious. Dalroy’s first principle is fulfilled.

  2. The economies of the two countries bifurcate and the United States begins to enjoy the fruits of its imperialistic labors. The conquered people provides nearly 160 years of cheap labor which helps to fuel the economic growth of the United States. Guest workers and illegal immigrants trickle into the United States. Despite the comparatively low wages, more immigrants come north to experience the bountiful leftovers of their former conquerors. This trend continues to the point in which the original trickle of guest workers and illegal immigrants becomes a raging tsunami of humanity most of whom are seeking to experience the American dream at the expense of their former conquerors.The great nation employed those that it had conquered. Dalroy’s second principle is fulfilled.

  3. Average American citizens begin to note the loss of economic standing, culture and traditions. “Special privilege” programs, such as Totalization, deportation instead of criminal prosecution for organized criminal activities, free medical and free education, serve to fully integrate the former illegal aliens into the mainstream of American society. To frame the desired paradigm shift, legal terms such as “illegal alien” become likened to racial epitaphs uttered during the worst days of the old “Jim Crow” laws. The “politically correct police” (i.e., the corporate media) label all Americans who desire to secure their borders, in this age of terrorism, as racists and xenophobic.The alliance has been formed. Dalroy’s third principle has been fulfilled.

  4. Illegal immigrant subgroups (e.g., Reconquista de Atzalan, MECHA) begin to proclaim that the takeover of America is moving forward and if the present occupants of this country do not like it; then these “Euros” can “go back to Europe .” (In this scenario, it’s not certain where American citizens whose historical roots lie in Africa, the Middle East, South America, Mexico, Panama, Canada, Asia, the Pacific Rim, the Caribbean, and most of all, Native Americans, are supposed to return to).At what point do we admit that the great nation of America has been conquered and is in the process of being successfully occupied? And now, courtesy of George Soros and the Deep State controlled Democratic Party, the knockout punch is coming. Beyond superficial and artificially created circumstances, the present wave of immigrants are not asylum seekers and refugees. 

Although the Flying Inn is fiction, in reality, its tenets are being realized as nearly every tradition that Americans hold sacred, are coming under attack (e.g., the virtues and value of American citizenship); while everything from the illegal aliens’ point of origin is becoming more praiseworthy by the day (e.g., “We do the jobs that Americans won’t: an’t separate families”). The propaganda lines have been drawn.

 Legitimate immigrants are not America’s enemy, but the invasion force headed our way is designed to unseat the Trump administration through a “death by a thousand cuts” approach to destroying our Republic. This threat is an element of Red Dawn which will some day be a full-out invasion of our southern border. Militarily speaking, most experts I speak with look at the coming border incursion as a type of beta test. The worst is yet to come.

Yesterday on Steve Quayle’s site, it was reported that the Canadians were placing Chinese listening technology near an American submarine base. I almost fell out of my chair when I read this account because in June, I was told the Canadians were subleasing satellite time to the Chinese from satellites that they had leased from the European Space Agency. I did not make the connection then, but I do now. The Canadians are assisting the Chinese in gathering intelligence in preparation for an attack upon the US. Additionally, the Mexican troops have stood down to the immigration wave and are assisting them. Where did you think the immigration invasion force is getting their food and other essential supplies Armies move on their stomaches. The Atlantic Council, centered in the UK, who brings the Muslim immigrants to Europe is assisting the UN and George Soros in helping the present wave of immigrants. Also, we just did not put US troops on the border. They have been there since April. I have pictures, that I personally took from October 8th that I will soon be publishing.  This will be the topic of a future article.

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