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Trump on synagogue massacre: Something has to be done with hate in US, armed church guards an option

27-10-2018 < RT 76 290 words

US President Donald Trump has responded to the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting by saying that something must be done about hate in America, and that armed guards at churches and synagogues are an option.

The US president said the shooting has little to do with gun laws, and that results would have been different if someone had been armed inside the place of worship.

READ MORE: ‘All these Jews need to die’: Pittsburgh shooter used AR-15 & handguns in synagogue massacre

He said that when people do such actions, they should receive the death penalty.

"I think one thing we should do is we would stiffen up our laws with guns with the death penalty," he told reporters as he boarded Air Force One. "When people do this they should get the death penalty."

Trump's remarks came after he earlier tweeted that he had been watching the events in Pittsburgh unfold, and that the incident was "far more devastating than originally thought."

