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This Is The Virulence We Must Stop

6-11-2018 < SGT Report 58 673 words

by Karl Denninger, Market Ticker:

There are many who say you’re an “islamaphobe” if you point this out.

They use that label just as they do “racism”, as if all Muslims are the same.

They are not.

Islam is a political ideology first and foremost.  It does not at its core simply deal with worship.  It deals with secular behavior and demands sanction be applied if you do not kowtow to its demands.  It is no different than any of the other various political ideologies that have risen over the millennia that have made similar demands, murdering anyone who disagrees.  Waving a religious symbol in front of you while doing such a thing does not change the essential character of it.

There are certainly Muslims, many of them in fact, that consider the faith a means of prayer and invocation, along with a set of guideposts for their personal lives — and nothing more.  But you’ll note one glaring difference between Islam and other religions — the others condemn or even outright expel those who take a secular behavior enforcement view of their faith — the David Koresh’s, as just one example of many.

The alleged “moderate” Islamic adherent does not.

This is not because some people within the faith might not want to, but because at its core within Islam are principles that make doing so impossible.  Mohammad took a child as a bride and slept with her at around the age of nine while he was approximately fifty years of age.  That makes him a monster by any contemporary standard under secular law.  Yet to declare same as a Muslim is to commit blasphemy, be expelled and risk having a sentence of death be pronounced upon you.  The EU has even ruled recently that pointing this fact out about the Islamic pedophile prophet out is unlawful and not protected as free speech.  Indeed I suspect this post, were it made from the EU, could expose me to criminal prosecution!

Let that sink in folks — you cannot, in the EU, speak of the truthful nature of the Islamic faith’s “face” — that he was a pedophile who took a child as a bride that could not have, due to her age, freely consented.  To do so in the EU is to commit a crimebecause the EU has ruled that a religious adherent has a “right” not to have their faith and its founding practitioners questioned.

Unfortunately this leads to intractable division.  You don’t hear Islamic sermons claiming that jihadists are in fact not Muslim and are insulting not only the faith but are apostates for to do so is to directly contradict the faith itself.  That’s because doing so is considered blasphemy and in many jurisdictions that’s a crime carrying a sentence of death even if your speech takes place somewhere else!

Some of the nations that have taken this political ideology as the predicate for their secular laws have nuclear weapons.  One of them is Pakistan.

A Christian woman who was acquitted by Pakistan’s Supreme Court after spending eight years on death row for insulting Islam is still being held in an undisclosed location. Her release was delayed after negotiations failed between the government and an extremist religious group that is demanding she be killed.

Asia Bibi’s sentence was reversed on Wednesday in Islamabad. Almost simultaneously, followers of a hard-line Pakistani religious group rushed onto major highways across the country to paralyze traffic in protest of the decision.

They called for Bibi to be killed, along with the three Supreme Court judges who issued the verdict. They also called on Pakistani military forces to disobey the army chief of staffs, accusing him of not being a Muslim.

These people are deadly serious.

They intend to, and demand, the murder of anyone who “insults” their religion which includes, according to the EU, making the truthful statement that their prophet was a pedophile.

Further, they demand the murder of any judge who upholds a secular principle of freedom of expression — including the freedom not to worship and believe as they demand.

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