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Sessions Was Told Wednesday That Trump Wanted Him To Resign: BBG

7-11-2018 < SGT Report 75 528 words

from ZeroHedge:

Update (3:55 pm ET): Jeff Sessions was reportedly informed on Wednesday by phone that Trump wanted his resignation. And now that Sessions’ former Chief of Staff Matthew Whitaker has taken over as acting AG, he will also assume control of the Mueller probe, according to Bloomberg. Unsurprisingly given Trump’s well-documented ironic aversion to firing people in person, Chief of Staff John Kelly reportedly delivered the news to Sessions in a phone call.

White House Chief of Staff John Kelly called Attorney General Jeff Sessions prior to President Trump’s news conference today to inform him that Trump wanted his resignation, a US official said.

Sessions is packing up his things and will address senior level staff in a private meeting before leaving DOJ for final time Matthew Whitaker, who previously served as DOJ’s chief of staff, is officially the acting attorney general and will take over Robert Mueller’s probe into Russia’s role in the 2016 campaign, the official said.

Mueller declined to comment on the matter, according to spokesman Peter Carr.

So, it looks like the Mueller probe really is in trouble.

* * *

After months of being publicly denigrated by President Trump, Jeff Sessions is finally out at the DOJ…

Just one day after Republicans expanded their majority in the Senate, President Trump revealed in a tweet that Attorney General Jeff Sessions has resigned. Matthew G. Whitaker, Sessions’ chief of staff, will become acting Attorney General until Trump can win a confirmation for Sessions’ replacement from the Senate. Whitaker is expected to be sworn in by end of day Wednesday. Session confirmed that he is resigning at the president’s request.

As speculation turns to the fate of Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein, the White House has confirmed that Rosenstein will remain in his role (for now, at least). This is key, because Rosenstein, who oversees the Mueller probe, was reportedly on the cusp of resigning back in September after a NYT story which alleged that Rosenstein had tried to corral members of Trump’s cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Trump, even reportedly suggesting that senior officials surreptitiously record their conversations with Trump. After that story broke, Whitaker was briefly rumored to be a possible replacement for Rosenstein before Roz and Trump purportedly buried the hatchet. Immediately after Trump announced Sessions’ resignation, Chuck Schumer, the top Democrat in the Senate, said in a statement of his own that protecting the Mueller probe would be paramount.

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