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Left goes INSANE: "Vagina Monologues" theater event cancelled because it doesn't acknowledge that MEN have vaginas, according to lunatic Leftists

23-11-2018 < Natural News 53 768 words
Image: Left goes INSANE: “Vagina Monologues” theater event cancelled because it doesn’t acknowledge that MEN have vaginas, according to lunatic Leftists

(Natural News) It used to be that the controversial Broadway show The Vagina Monologues was considered to be a provocatively feminist take on what it means to be a woman. But in 2018, it’s now looked at as puritanical, at least in the eyes of students attending Eastern Michigan University (EMU) where the so-called “Women’s Resource Center” (WRC) decided to cancel the production because it excludes biological men who think they’re women.

The absence of transgenders in the original script for The Vagina Monologues apparently triggered a number of snowflakes at EMU, who demanded that it be scrapped in order to “empower minorities,” a.k.a. individuals suffering from gender dysphoria on campus. These snowflakes further claimed that the crudely dubbed play is “outdated,” and needs to be either recreated to include transgenders, or eliminated entirely in order to keep up with the changing times.

“We feel that making this decision is in line with the WRC mission of recognizing and celebrating the diverse representations of women on campus along with the overall mission of the Department of Diversity and Community Involvement, in which the WRC is housed, of supporting and empowering minoritized (sic) students and challenging systems and structures that perpetuate inequities,” a statement from the WRC reads.

“We truly believe that it is important to center our minoritized (sic) students and this decision is in line with this mission driven value,” it adds further.

“Women” without vaginas aren’t represented in “The Vagina Monologues,” so it has to be banned, claim Leftists

Keep in mind that The Vagina Monologues in its original form is already an extremely vulgar and “narcissistic celebration,” to quote The Gateway Pundit, of far-left feminism. But we’re talking about far-left feminism as it existed in 1996 when the play first debuted – and as many of our readers well know, things have gone completely off the rails in the years since.

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In 2018, not all “women” have vaginas, we’re now told. And some “men” do, we’re also told. Whatever genitalia you were actually born with is now completely irrelevant in the eyes of today’s lunatic Left – because it’s all up to you to decide what gender you are, and how you prefer to be “represented” in society.

So to the deranged transgender male who “self-identifies” as a “woman,” it’s perfectly normal in 2018 to insist upon having some kind of role in The Vagina Monologues, even though he’s never had a vagina, and never will. And if he doesn’t get a role as desired, this same transgender male can simply demand that The Vagina Monologues be relegated to the dustbin of history – and poof, wish granted.

This is precisely what happened at the all-female Mount Holyoke College, which like EMU also decided to cancel the production, claiming that it offers a “narrow perspective on what it means to be a woman.” Erin Murphy, a spokesperson for the school, added in a statement that, in her view, The Vagina Monologues “fails the trans community in a lot of ways.”

At American University in Washington, D.C., the so-called “Women Initiative” went ahead and just changed the name of the play from The Vagina Monologues to Breaking Ground Monologues in order to “broaden the focus from specifically male genitalia to multiple identities and bodies.”

All of this is just the festering, metastasizing nature of the cancer that is feminism, which currently seems to be turning over into its fourth (or fifth?) “wave” – and this apparently means abandoning everything that’s truly female while pandering exclusively to people who refuse to accept biological reality.

In other words, feminism in 2018 means embracing and institutionalizing the mental illness known as transgenderism, and at the expense of actual biological women. Today’s feminism has nothing to do with honoring true femininity, it turns out, but instead seeks to normalize utter insanity. And this is the point to which we’ve currently “progressed.”

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