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WATCH: Apple’s CEO Suggests It’s ‘A Sin’ To Not Ban People From Platforms

4-12-2018 < SGT Report 32 278 words

by Ryan Saavedra, Daily Wire:

Apple CEO Tim Cook said on Monday that tech companies have a moral obligation to ban certain people and certain types of content from social media and technology platforms, going as far as to suggest that not banning them is “a sin.”

Cook made the remarks while “accepting the Anti-Defamation League’s first-ever ‘Courage Against Hate’ award at an event in New York City,” CNN reported.

“We only have one message for those who seek to push hate, division, and violence: You have no place on our platforms,” Cook said. “You have no home here.”

“If we cant be clear on moral questions like these, then we’ve got big problems,” Cook continued. “I believe the most sacred thing that each of us is given is our judgment, our morality, our own innate desire to separate right from wrong. Choosing to set that responsibility aside at a moment of trial is a sin.”


“From the earliest days of iTunes to Apple Music today, we have always prohibited music with a message of white supremacy,” Cook added. “Why? Because it is the right thing to do.”

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