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12-12-2018 < SGT Report 59 926 words

by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

Do you remember that US Army General who gave that funny little speech to military graduates to be prepared to “fight little green men”? Well, in case you don’t, here’s that story from 2016, and patience, because we’re getting to today‘s story by way of it:

Army chief to leaders: Winning is everything in combat

Now, the General in question was General Mark Milley, at the time the Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army, and here’s his “little green men” reference in context:

“If the world if 1916 was complex, or the world of 1945 was complex, the world of 2016 is intensely complex, and I can tell you that from personal experience,” he said. “You’ll be dealing with terrorists, you’ll be dealing with hybrid armiesyou’ll be dealing with little green men, you’ll be dealing with tribes, you’re going to be dealing with it all, and you’re going to be dealing with it simultaneously.” (Emphasis added)

At the time, this reference had everyone speculating that the General was referring to some sort of space threat from extraterrestrials. But, “not to worry,” we were reassured; the reference was simply “US Army code-speak” for “foreign troops (See, for example, the Faux News article US Army’s top general: Be prepared to fight ‘little green men’):

Military officials told The Army Times that “little green men” is typically used to refer to foreign troops who dress in green attire instead of military uniforms.

“It does not mean fighting troops from outer space,” an official said.

Nothing to see here, nothing unusual, it’s just “code”. Move along.

But, back in 2016, I pointed out the following:

Ok guys, sorry, but once again: while it may or may not be code to the US Army, it is also a phrase with a popular colloquial meaning, and no US Army General is going to be ignorant of that fact. And in the light of yesterday’s and today’s blogs, the statement does take on disturbingly multi-layered interpretive possibilities. (See: TIDBIT: US ARMY GENERAL AND FIGHTING LITTLE GREEN MEN)

In fact, we could go so far as to say that speeches by generals to graduating classes of military cadets are a fairly common occurrence, and are not likely to be picked up or covered by major lamestream media outlets, unless one drops in an odd reference or two to “hybrid armies” and “little green men.” And when such references are coming from the Chief of Staff of the Army himself, such references coming out of the mouths of four-star generals are probably going to attract attention, because they’re meant to do so.

All of this is background to this story shared by Ms. K.C.:

Trump Appoints Gen. Mark Milley Chairman Of The Joint Chiefs Of Staff

Yes, you read that correctly, General “Little Green Men” Mark Milley has been appointed by President Trump to be the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Coming from a President who makes statements about the USA needing another “space force” (really? You mean, we already have one and now we need another one? What for?) I find this more than just odd, I find it downright compelling. “Hybrid armies” doesn’t take much imagination, especially when DARPA wants to create super soldiers, robots, and so on. The really high octane speculative question is: hybrids of what? Humans and machines? Humans and animals? (Don’t forget, folks, that the Diabolically Apocalyptic Research Projects Agency is researching dolphins to find out how they can literally have half their brain sleeping, while the other half is wide awake, for the purposes of creating soldiers who need little to no sleep. The idea even made its appearance in an old X Files episode.) Or Humans and “someone else” ala Genesis Nephilim and Mesopotamian Annunakifame? We don’t know, but when that part of General Milley’s speech is viewed in that way, the following reference of hybrid armies to “little green men” has a context altogether not suggestive of just being a coded reference to foreign soldiers dressing in “green attire.”

So why General Milley as Joint Chiefs Chairman from the “Space Force President”? Hang on, because I’m going to walk right off the end of the speculation twig on this one. Suppose, for a moment, that you’ve been funding a secret research and development program for advanced and exotic space technologies for decades, using a hidden system of finance in the hands of the national security establishment, and running to the tune of trillions (if not quadrillions) of dollars since the end of World War Two. Suppose you had even collateralized space assets with strange bearer bonds that everyone says are counterfeits. Suppose, in addition to all of this, you were using pump and dump schemes, mortgage fraud, credit default swaps and other derivatives to fund all of this, in addition to skimming a few trillion that go “missing” that you can’t account for. Suppose, over time, that the very corporations that have been doing all of this work have so broken away from any sort of government control or oversight that they’ve become a major extra-territorial, and perhaps extra-terrestrial, player in their own right, given all their access to all that data and all that secret technology and the secret infrastructure where it’s being developed. Suppose you needed to reassert a measure of control over the whole process, budgetary and otherwise.

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